Compiler reached end of method but it jumps back to middle of it


New member
Nov 19, 2023
Programming Experience
Compiler is reaching end of method but its jumping back to line 129 and doubling my sum,
at the moment I solved it deviding sum by 2, where is the problem?
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Anyway, the compiler compiles code at compile time. It does not run code at runtime. So it is not the compiler that is going back to your line 129. It's your code that is going back to like 129. The compiler just compiles the code that you wrote.
Anyway, my guess is that since the code you presented there is named itemsInBidDG_CellValueChanged that this is an event handler for whenever you change a cell value in itemsInBidDG. Now look at your line 129: you are changing a cell's Value in itemsInBidDG. The way to confirm is to set a breakpoint on line 117 and step through your code.
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