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  • Users: SaeedP
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  1. SaeedP

    Trouble on placing a map on the blazor server app

    Hi there, I'm looking to add a map to a Blazor Server page, but I'm encountering the following error: Status 500 The map library I'm using is openstreetMap. Here's the code I'm using: <!-- Using jsDelivr CDN --> <script...
  2. SaeedP

    Why do I get this Chrome console error"imageText" @bind="@ImageText" /> </div> <button @onclick="GenerateImage" type="button">Generate Image</button> </form> <div> @* Display the generated image if available *@ @if (generatedImageUrl != null) { <img src="@generatedImageUrl" alt="Generated...
  3. SaeedP

    Strange issue on label id

    .../> </div> <button @onclick="GenerateImage" type="button">Generate Image</button> </form> <div> @* Display the generated image if available *@ @if (generatedImageUrl != null) { <img src="@generatedImageUrl" alt="Generated...
  4. SaeedP

    Exception issue

    Hi, I'm encountering this exception while running my code. Can someone help me understand what it means and what could be causing it?
  5. SaeedP

    issue with the input tag

    Hello, I need to import an image in my Blazor web assembly app. I have tested and read a lot of content from the web and AI. But I don't know why none of my input tags are working! <InputFile @OnChange="HandleFileUpload" /> <input type="file" @onchange="HandleFileUpload" /> <input type="file"...
  6. SaeedP builder tutorial question

    Hello, I'm trying this tutorial: What is Model Builder and how does it work? - ML.NET but on this page: ML.NET Tutorial | Get started in 10 minutes | .NET When I press the brows button, nothing happens! Can you guide me? thanks,
  7. SaeedP

    problem with Microsoft ML

    Hello, This class is a logo builder project app. I have installed Microsoft ml but I still see a red line under Predict. I've tried many AI modes but still couldn't find what package should I install: using Microsoft.ML; namespace BlazorWasm_ML.net_Monica_Claude.Services { public class...
  8. SaeedP

    Problem with AI logo builder program

    Hello, In these lines of code, I have tried to create a logo builder program using DeepAI API. It seems that the program works, but the received image is not clear. @page "/LogoBuilder" @layout EmptyLayout @inherits LayoutComponentBase <div> <h3>LogoBuilder</h3> <SaeedMenu />...
  9. SaeedP

    What is the process of adding an API to the most recent release of Blazor server?

    Hello, What is the process for creating an instance of a class within a Blazor component and utilizing its methods? By "latest version," I am referring to the most recent release. thanks, Saeed
  10. SaeedP

    What is the process for creating an instance of a class within a Blazor component and utilizing its methods?

    Hello, My question is regarding Blazor service: In my app, I have a component: Logo-builder. razor @page "/logo-builder" @using BlazorApp_AI_1.Data @inject LogoBuiderService logoBuilderService <h1>Logo Builder</h1> <label for="text-input">Text:</label> <input type="text" id="text-input"...
  11. SaeedP

    Need help to understanding the code

    Hi, This is part of a tutorial for OpenAI development: Can you please help me to understand this part of the code: Content = new StringContent("{\"model\": \"text-davinci-001\"...
  12. SaeedP

    What is the meaning of this part of code

    Hello, Can you please tell me what is the meaning of this code: return responseString!.choices[0].text; regards, Saeed
  13. SaeedP

    Resolved Problem with adding favicon to blazor server

    Hello, I want to insert a link for the site favicon in the layout. C HTML, my link is: <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="wwwroot/favicon.ico"> but I get this error: But as you can see my favicon is in the wwwroot folder: Do you think what is wrong? regards, Saeed
  14. SaeedP

    Why I can't see my menu in Blazor?

    ...@inherits LayoutComponentBase <PageTitle>BlazorApp1</PageTitle> <div class="page"> <div class="sidebar"> <saeedMenu /> @*<NavMenu/>*@ </div> <main> @*<div class="top-row px-4"> <a href=""...
  15. SaeedP

    Resolved code section in blazor

    Hello, Can the code that is written in Blazor in the code section be written in the controller? Are the codes exactly the same? thanks,
  16. SaeedP

    Animation on scroll in Blazor

    Hello, Is the possible to do "Animation on scroll" in Blazor? It seems there is no component to achieve this. I mean something like this site: Regards, Saeed
  17. SaeedP

    an issue with visual studio 2022

    Hello, Can you please help me with this post: regards,
  18. SaeedP

    Why I see red line under this statement

    Hello, When I want to use these lines I encounter a red line under seek and copy to. And Warns me up "Are you missing a directive"? var state = _instaApi.GetStateDataAsString(); using (var fileStream = File.Create(stateFile)) {...
  19. SaeedP

    Need help on loading data

    Hi, I'm doing a web app in blazor for Instagram. I use instaApiSharp: Should I use load state from stream or loading state from String?? When I use " loadStateFromStream" , When I run nothing happens and just I see: this message: Message: Loading state from file and there is no exception. if...
  20. SaeedP

    How save an image on the server after changing it on the view layer?

    Hello Consider I upload an image to the server, then I changed some elements of the image with an image editor on the view layer (assume the view layer uses an image editor) then how can I save it as a new image on the server? (I mean how should be the back end code). regards, Saeed
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