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  1. aindrea

    Is there a FF-addon to enable dom-search?

    Thanks four your replies :)
  2. aindrea

    Is there a FF-addon to enable dom-search?

    I have got a question concerning Firefox debugging tools. The debugging tools of Google Chrome (the ones called by pressing F12) offer the possibility to search the html of a loaded site (elements -> search). As this seems not to be possible with Firefox, I'd like to ask yous whether there...
  3. aindrea

    Why is there no ExceptionAssert in VS 2015?

    I am using VS 2015, and I have written both a dummy test method and a dummy test code to try hwow it is possible to make sure that an exception is actually thrown by the code. private void calculate() { try { int[] ia = new int[1]; ia[0] = 1...
  4. aindrea

    Question concerning syntax used to check for duplicate objects

    using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace ConsoleAppDuplicateTest { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List<Student> lList = new List<Student>(); lList.Add(new Student("Joana", "Miller", 23))...
  5. aindrea

    Question concerning syntax used to check for duplicate objects

    I intend to check for duplicate objects contained in a list, and I have planned to use Linq for this purpose. I would like to illustrate how I achieve checking for duplicates by using student objects which have a first name, a second name as well as an age. Here you can see the solution...
  6. aindrea

    I don't succeed in parsing a simple xml-file

    I just missed the outerXML-method, with which I can access the attribues.
  7. aindrea

    I don't succeed in parsing a simple xml-file

    Originally, I wanted to parse through an xml document, and I wanted to store its nodes in a list - what is more, my attempt to do so was crowned with success: XmlNodeList elemList = doc.GetElementsByTagName("Manage"); List<Manage> mng = new List<Manage>(); is these nodes that I am...
  8. aindrea

    I don't succeed in parsing a simple xml-file

    I have got a simple XmlReader with the path to my xml-file ans a settings object as constructor arguments. When executing the code, the debugger always tells me that "r" does not exist in the current context. How can this be? XmlReader r = XmlReader.Create(@"C:\Users\<me>\Desktop\test.xml"...
  9. aindrea

    How to unselect selected item of a combo box?

    Thanks! After all, I did it as follows. I added an empty element by dint of whose index I set it again as soon as the "clear" button is clicked.
  10. aindrea

    How to unselect selected item of a combo box?

    I have grappled with WPF-applications, and there is one thing that I could not glean from the documentation: If I have a WPF-Window with a Combo Box „comboBoxCars“ where the user can select, say some cars. I thereafter added a button „clearAll“, and as soon as that button is clicked, the...
  11. aindrea

    Regex problem while filtering for decimal

    ...- I somehow missed it. Now this ought to be the last refactoring: string inputString = "43"; Regex regexDecimal = new Regex(@"^[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$"); Match matchDecimal = regexDecimal.Match(inputString); Regex regexAddition = new...
  12. aindrea

    Regex problem while filtering for decimal comprehension: After some further refactoring, I’d like to match an addition with the following Regex. Regex regex = new Regex(@"^([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)\+([0-9]*\.[0-9]+)$"); Match match = regex.Match(inputString); if (match.Success) {...
  13. aindrea

    Regex problem while filtering for decimal

    ...refactored it like here: //This is how to match singfle decimals w/o whitespaces. string inputString = "23.475"; Regex regex = new Regex(@"^[0-9]*\.*[0-9]+$"); Match match = regex.Match(inputString); //This is how to match sums w/o whitespaces. string inputString2 =...
  14. aindrea

    Regex problem while filtering for decimal

    ...have a string entry as follows: inputString="2;2" which I match against a regular expression. inputString="2;2"; Regex regex = new Regex(@"\b[0-9]*\.*[0-9]+$"); Match match = regex.Match(inputString); The problem is: it seems to match inspite of the fact that "2;2" ought not to match...
  15. aindrea

    Problem with writing out contens of a generic list

    I have written a small console application - I want to read in some strings which I parse as doubles. After the user pushed "r", the first double I add to a generic List<Double> is printed out. My question is the following one - even though I make a typecast, for example if I enter 2.2 as the...
  16. aindrea

    Pulsating powershell window

    I have to reply in the negative. It is an off-Topic question ideed. Am I allowed to ask such questions? And if so, where do I have to do so?
  17. aindrea

    Pulsating powershell window

    I created a directory “PSScripts“ on my PC – there I wanted to do some powershell stuff. I likewise created a file called ““ where I wanted to do some coding stuff. I set the programme supposed to open all files with the .ps-extension to powershell, and naively I thought that nothing...
  18. aindrea

    Question Programme for factorization

    Thank you very much for your advice. I debugged it and I could fix the problem by calling the Clear() method on all three static arrays both before calling the factorizeEntry()-method again and in each of the catch-blocks.
  19. aindrea

    Question Programme for factorization

    Now I have changed the logic of the factorizeENtry()-method. I still don't understand why it does not factorize number after number after number. I just want to call the method from within itself but after that happens, it somehow clogs. What coulöd be the cause of this? /// <summary>...
  20. aindrea

    Question Programme for factorization

    Even though I didn't stumble over an alogorithm on the net, I seem to have found out: using System; using System.Collections; namespace ConsoleApp1 { class Program { private static ArrayList primes = new ArrayList(); private static ArrayList primeFactors = new...
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