Search results for query: *

  1. R

    Resolved why is date from table not displaying properly

    i have a datagrid view that displays the information in a table, there is a created row which stores dates how ever when the information is loaded into the datagridview only the first number is displayed, currently the format of the date is yyyy-MM-dd, if you change the format to say dd-MM-yyyy...
  2. R

    Question why am i getting insufficient parameters supplied to the command error

    Hey I really appreciate you going into hat much detail, ill go through it when I get a chance and take a look at the link provided, everything I've done so far is based on what the college is teaching and I'm slowly learning that what they teach isn't great lol
  3. R

    Question why am i getting insufficient parameters supplied to the command error

    i have trying to read a database and display it into a datagridview but i keep getting the error private void nameSearch() { using (SQLiteCommand cmd = connAccount.CreateCommand()) { connAccount.Open(); try { connAccount = new...
  4. R

    Question sqlite multiple tables with calculations and save back to tables

    ...|| ' ' || customer.lastname AS Name, product.isaname AS ProductName,product.intrate, balance, (account.accrued + ((product.intrate/365)*account.balance))AS accrued, active FROM account INNER JOIN customer ON customer.custid = account.custid INNER JOIN product ON product.prodid =...
  5. R

    Question how to update database row by row while doing a calculation for each row

    ..."Only for the bankers") { interestRate = 0.08 / 365; } accrued = (interestRate * double.Parse(balance)).ToString(); ; updateAccrued(); } } private void updateAccrued() {...
  6. R

    Question calculating interest amount based on values from datagridview

    ok its for a college course so they havent gone over anything like that and we are using sqlite is this doable using sqlite? but i will take a look into it and see if i can get it working, thanks
  7. R

    Resolved calculate days between two dates

    Ok awesome thanks for the notes, I'll make the changes later
  8. R

    Question calculating interest amount based on values from datagridview

    hi i have an application that displays customers accounts in one table and products information which includes the interest rate for that specific product in another table, both tables get displayed inside a datagridview. for my accounts database there is an accrued column which i need to code...
  9. R

    Resolved calculate days between two dates

    as the title says imtryign to calculate the number of days between 2 dates, now this is where im at atm and this works ok so far, but this results with 365.75 but if i change the difference to int as i just want whole number i get a conversion error on span.totaldays DateTime start = new...
  10. R

    combobox inside datagridview

    Well thats what I have in another form on anther table , I just thought something like a checkbook to select might look a bit better
  11. R

    combobox inside datagridview

    No I'm not actually using the checkbook for anything atm what I want to use them for is to select one then on button click open a new form that will display all info that is relating to the selected row so ideally I'd only like to be able to select a maximum on 1 checkbox
  12. R

    combobox inside datagridview

    well i have added a checkbox to my datagridview but im trying to figure out how to set it so i can only check one box at a time // adds a checkbox to each row so user is able to select specific rows DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn dgvCmb = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn()...
  13. R

    combobox inside datagridview

    ...{ try { conn = new SQLiteConnection(dbConnection.source); string sqlcommand = @"SELECT * FROM product"; da_Products = new SQLiteDataAdapter(sqlcommand, conn); dt_Products = new DataTable()...
  14. R

    Resolved 'SQL logic error near ")": syntax error'

    Thats how the college showed us to do it. But ill go through it and remove them tomorrow thanks
  15. R

    Resolved 'SQL logic error near ")": syntax error'

    For god sake cant believe I missed that, stared at that line for ages aswell ??? working now thanks
  16. R

    Resolved 'SQL logic error near ")": syntax error'

    ...void showCustomer() { using (SQLiteCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE custid = '" + this.cb_custID.Text + "';"; SQLiteDataReader read = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while...
  17. R

    Question retrieving information from sqlite database

    Ok I will look into the shown event, I've never used it, just following what my college course is teaching atm
  18. R

    Question retrieving information from sqlite database

    Hi i have a basic application that is used to display customer information from a sql database, i am using a datagridview to display the information, i also have a form that has texboxdes on it to enter customer information for adding to that database which currently works. what i need to do now...
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