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  • Users: JohnH
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  1. JohnH

    Recursive method not restarting

    Line 29 will not be reached until previous calls are finished, and they never will. You get infinite recursion and end up with stack overflow exception.
  2. JohnH

    Add a class to a console app?

    It could also be worth mentioning that since Main is static inside Program class, the code there does not have access to any instance of Program class, this keyword is not valid in static members.
  3. JohnH

    Add a class to a console app?

    Tasks field is non-static and can't be set without an instance of Program class (think p=new Program() > p.Tasks can be set), instead make the field static as well.
  4. JohnH

    Integrando C# y Crystal report

    Please translate to English and post again. Closing this thread.
  5. JohnH

    Resolved Having an input problem

    = is assignment operator, == comparison operator
  6. JohnH

    Question Problem with a .cfg file

    Raw string literals (C# 11) takes care of that: Raw string literals - ''' - C#
  7. JohnH

    Question Problem with a .cfg file

    Instead of the loop in BuildStringFromArray you can use String.Join method: var content = string.Join("\n", modFileContentArray); When using StreamWriter there is a NewLine property that can be set to customize line terminator.
  8. JohnH

    Question Menustrip disapers when form is resized

    It is due to AutoScroll and which control that has focus, when resizing that control is kept in scroll view. If you always want top-left corner of form visible when resizing you could handle Resize event and set AutoScrollPosition = Point.Empty.
  9. JohnH

    Set order of prerequisites installation

    Maybe the order comes from RelatedProducts/DependsOnProduct in the bootstrapper: FoxLearn | Adding Custom Prerequisites to Visual Studio Setup Project
  10. JohnH

    View PDF in Winform application?

    WebView2 control (the new "WebBrowser" control) can be used to display a pdf.
  11. JohnH

    Resolved Login form with Access db help

    Line 45 should be obvious to debug during loop. Problem due to line 60+61.
  12. JohnH

    Alternative to
  13. JohnH

    Winforms picture scale blurry

  14. JohnH

    C# obtendo URL de qualquer navegador

    Please repost in English.
  15. JohnH

    Question Create PDF document from data

    The path is missing colon after drive letter. C:\Images... (double backslashes is normally how VS shows strings escaped in debugger)
  16. JohnH

    Question Create PDF document from data

    Why on earth would you do that? Just remove the whole line and problem be gone, yeah?
  17. JohnH

    Question Create PDF document from data

    The full namespace for Image class is iText.Layout.Element. iText 8.0.2 API: iText.Layout.Element Namespace Reference When you're working with the iText.Layout.Document class the namespace iText.Layout is usually imported already.
  18. JohnH

    Question Create PDF document from data

    I found an example on the internet to create image element: var el = New Element.Image(ImageDataFactory.Create("file path"));
  19. JohnH

    Question Create PDF document from data

    Your pdf question/problem is not related to it being winform project or any other project type.
  20. JohnH

    Question Create PDF document from data

    Line 12 if statement should remove ; Line 45 should be removed, closing the document on line 46 also closes the writer it uses (unless SetCloseWriter(false) was called). Throws exception otherwise.
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