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  1. SaeedP

    What is the process of adding an API to the most recent release of Blazor server?

    So why whilst I have installed DeepAI and imported it into my project still see a red line under the DeepAI? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using DeepAI; namespace BlazorApp4.Data { public static class DeepAI {...
  2. SaeedP

    What is the process of adding an API to the most recent release of Blazor server?

    As I followed up and found out their C# API is for .net4.
  3. SaeedP

    What is the process of adding an API to the most recent release of Blazor server?

    I would like to integrate the Deep AI API into my project. Could you please guide me through the process?
  4. SaeedP

    What is the process of adding an API to the most recent release of Blazor server?

    Hello, What is the process for creating an instance of a class within a Blazor component and utilizing its methods? By "latest version," I am referring to the most recent release. thanks, Saeed
  5. SaeedP

    What is the process for creating an instance of a class within a Blazor component and utilizing its methods?

    Hello, My question is regarding Blazor service: In my app, I have a component: Logo-builder. razor @page "/logo-builder" @using BlazorApp_AI_1.Data @inject LogoBuiderService logoBuilderService <h1>Logo Builder</h1> <label for="text-input">Text:</label> <input type="text" id="text-input"...
  6. SaeedP

    Need help to understanding the code

    I don't understand its placement and meaning.
  7. SaeedP

    Need help to understanding the code

    Hi, This is part of a tutorial for OpenAI development: Can you please help me to understand this part of the code: Content = new StringContent("{\"model\": \"text-davinci-001\"...
  8. SaeedP

    What is the meaning of this part of code

    That was really helpful. But which I didn't understand is why we should access the first element of the string or array. choices[0].text;
  9. SaeedP

    What is the meaning of this part of code

    Yes, one of them is that and the other one is: choices[0].text
  10. SaeedP

    What is the meaning of this part of code

    Hello, Can you please tell me what is the meaning of this code: return responseString!.choices[0].text; regards, Saeed
  11. SaeedP

    Resolved Problem with adding favicon to blazor server

    Hello, I want to insert a link for the site favicon in the layout. C HTML, my link is: <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="wwwroot/favicon.ico"> but I get this error: But as you can see my favicon is in the wwwroot folder: Do you think what is wrong? regards, Saeed
  12. SaeedP

    Why I can't see my menu in Blazor?

    ...@inherits LayoutComponentBase <PageTitle>BlazorApp1</PageTitle> <div class="page"> <div class="sidebar"> <saeedMenu /> @*<NavMenu/>*@ </div> <main> @*<div class="top-row px-4"> <a href=""...
  13. SaeedP

    Resolved code section in blazor

    Hello, Can the code that is written in Blazor in the code section be written in the controller? Are the codes exactly the same? thanks,
  14. SaeedP

    Animation on scroll in Blazor

    Hello, Is the possible to do "Animation on scroll" in Blazor? It seems there is no component to achieve this. I mean something like this site: Regards, Saeed
  15. SaeedP

    an issue with visual studio 2022

    Hello, Can you please help me with this post: regards,
  16. SaeedP

    Why I see red line under this statement

    But the Instagram API doesn't let you set data, just get. This is my main problem!
  17. SaeedP

    Why I see red line under this statement

    Someone suggested to me on another forum, save it on local state. What is your idea? With this method, is the user account open at risk?
  18. SaeedP

    Why I see red line under this statement

    Sorry, can you copy and paste the code here? I couldn't understand what you mean. Please explain more. Do you say I use a local variable?
  19. SaeedP

    Why I see red line under this statement

    😉 Do You mean state.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);? So what is the definition of the state? Please clarify number six. May I be wrong? Can I use a local variable instead of writing the .bin file to blazor??
  20. SaeedP

    Why I see red line under this statement

    You mean this code: var state = _instaApi.GetStateDataAsString(); File.WriteAllText(stateFile.txt, state); Is it correct? Should I change const string stateFile = "state.bin"; to: const string stateFile = "state.txt";
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