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  1. SaeedP

    Why I see red line under this statement

    Hello, When I want to use these lines I encounter a red line under seek and copy to. And Warns me up "Are you missing a directive"? var state = _instaApi.GetStateDataAsString(); using (var fileStream = File.Create(stateFile)) {...
  2. SaeedP

    Need help on loading data

    I have made this app with another library: instasharper On that app, when I run it and when I want to connect to Instagram, there is no exception. But I get this message: Challenge is required. But is your idea about this one?
  3. SaeedP

    Need help on loading data

    Do you mean you can't inform me anymore? Is it correct?
  4. SaeedP

    Need help on loading data

    Sorry. In the API examples, it's commented for .net core project use loadDataFromString.
  5. SaeedP

    Need help on loading data

    Yes, recently I have asked but still got no answer. You can see here: Can you say clearly what is your suggestion?
  6. SaeedP

    Need help on loading data

    You mean now which part should I replace? Can you please describe?
  7. SaeedP

    Need help on loading data

    But when I use loadStateDateDatafromString I get exceptions!! :unsure:
  8. SaeedP

    Need help on loading data

    Hi, I'm doing a web app in blazor for Instagram. I use instaApiSharp: Should I use load state from stream or loading state from String?? When I use " loadStateFromStream" , When I run nothing happens and just I see: this message: Message: Loading state from file and there is no exception. if...
  9. SaeedP

    How save an image on the server after changing it on the view layer?

    You mean I should use this code: [HttpPost] public async Task<ActionResult<Image>> PostImage([FromForm] ImageData imageData) { if (imageData.File.Length > 0) { string path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot"...
  10. SaeedP

    How save an image on the server after changing it on the view layer?

    i mean if we dont want to change the main image and want to save the new image with another neme.
  11. SaeedP

    How save an image on the server after changing it on the view layer?

    Hello Consider I upload an image to the server, then I changed some elements of the image with an image editor on the view layer (assume the view layer uses an image editor) then how can I save it as a new image on the server? (I mean how should be the back end code). regards, Saeed
  12. SaeedP

    Resolved why do we return a value for uploading an image in this controller?

    Hello, This is the part of a controller which uploads files in Core. My question is why do we return a value for this case? Image file = await _context.Images.FirstOrDefaultAsync(f => f.FileName == imageData.File.FileName); if (file == null) {...
  13. SaeedP

    why am I getting: "HTTP Error 500.30 error" when publishing the Blazor server-side site?

    I mean the one when you start a project with blazor, starts working. The name is the weather forecast.
  14. SaeedP

    why am I getting: "HTTP Error 500.30 error" when publishing the Blazor server-side site?

    No, I didn't think it may need a solution and used non of them. Because I read Microsoft sample for Blazor and taught it works with bootstrap! on there Bootstrap is used! but when I publish it even that sample doesn't work. As a final question: Do you think there is no problem that the index...
  15. SaeedP

    why am I getting: "HTTP Error 500.30 error" when publishing the Blazor server-side site?

    ...<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> <system.webServer> <handlers> <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" /> </handlers> <aspNetCore processPath="dotnet"...
  16. SaeedP

    why am I getting: "HTTP Error 500.30 error" when publishing the Blazor server-side site?

    Is configuring iis is necessary for deploying a site in the server? regards,
  17. SaeedP

    why am I getting: "HTTP Error 500.30 error" when publishing the Blazor server-side site?

    ...<location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false"> <system.webServer> <handlers> <add name="aspNetCore" path="*" verb="*" modules="AspNetCoreModuleV2" resourceType="Unspecified" /> </handlers> <aspNetCore processPath="dotnet" arguments=".\InstaSite1.dll"...
  18. SaeedP

    why am I getting: "HTTP Error 500.30 error" when publishing the Blazor server-side site?

    I understood what you say. After the project was published I will place these codes in web.config file then what should happen to log. I mean I should I run a command or what?
  19. SaeedP

    why am I getting: "HTTP Error 500.30 error" when publishing the Blazor server-side site?

    But both of these methods should be written in web.confing: <aspNetCore ...> <handlerSettings> <handlerSetting name="debugLevel" value="file" /> <handlerSetting name="debugFile" value="c:\temp\ancm.log" /> </handlerSettings> </aspNetCore> and: <aspNetCore processPath="dotnet"...
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