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  1. C

    Can't find the assembly on other system.

    Fixed the issue like this: Embed the dll in a compiled exe: 1 - Change the properties of the dll in References so that Copy Local=false 2 - Add the dll file to the project as an additional file not just a reference 3 - Change the properties of the file so that Build...
  2. C

    Can't find the assembly on other system.

    Hi, I downloaded this assembly to simuilate keyboard presses. Everything works fine but if I put the .exe file from the debug folder on another system I get an error that it says that it can't find that assembly. Any idea what I do wrong? And more...
  3. C

    Question Trying to understand bits on stack and heap

    Hi, I try to understand how a computer works and how a programming language is communicating with your computer. Lets just say for explaining purposes everybody has windows. A computer can have a 32bit windows or a 64 bit windows. Does that mean that on a 32bit windows there can only be...
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