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  1. dualshck012

    ArgumentOutOfRangeException in Datagridview

    I already tried the value name "txtProdAssignID" in cells property to no avail.
  2. dualshck012

    ArgumentOutOfRangeException in Datagridview

    I already checked both of the two possibilities, but still ended on the same error. Maybe the problem is the configuration of the datagridview itself since i'm using bound columns here. All the columns are present.
  3. dualshck012

    ArgumentOutOfRangeException in Datagridview

    Why i'm getting this problem? 'ArgumentOutOfRangeException' was unhandled' in line #5. - An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in mscorlib.dll - Additional information: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection...
  4. dualshck012

    How to pass datagridviewbuttoncolumn-click generated value to another Datagridview column

    So i have a datagridview that has a button named "generate" to generate a random combination number next to the button column, My problem now is to pass the random number generated by the button to the column Assignment Key. The sample image below shows my wanted output.
  5. dualshck012

    DataReader to string and to integer

    e It works now. I used substring method , int count = Convert.ToInt32(maxId.Substring(8, 3)); I will follow your suggestions about using the database soon. I think it works in using expression in the auto increment option
  6. dualshck012

    DataReader to string and to integer

    how to that in datareader?
  7. dualshck012

    DataReader to string and to integer

    This was the entire code though, I used it a while with added dash character using split method. The sequence works fine. I used this, int count = Convert.ToInt32(maxId.Split('-')[2]); Right now I want to remove the added dashes. private void GenerateTaskCatID()...
  8. dualshck012

    DataReader to string and to integer

    Good day! I'm creating a function for incremented ID generation I'm getting an error: {"Input string was not in a correct format."} under line Convert.ToIns32(maxId). I also tried Int32.TryParse with the same error. The Output would be something ICTS2021002 string maxId =...
  9. dualshck012

    Getting the datarow from the selected control in a group of controls

    i see thanks, that was from checkbox list item control
  10. dualshck012

    Getting the datarow from the selected control in a group of controls

    My solution and now working.. public void CheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckBox chk = (sender as CheckBox); if (chk.Checked == true) //if a checkbox control is checked, get id of checkbox control in database {...
  11. dualshck012

    Getting the datarow from the selected control in a group of controls

    the DatRow variable will be missing from the current context i guess
  12. dualshck012

    Getting the datarow from the selected control in a group of controls

    revised the checkbox_CheckedChanged event and finally worked. public void CheckBox_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { foreach (DataRow DatRow in mysqlconstring.table3.Rows) { CheckBox chk = (sender as CheckBox)...
  13. dualshck012

    Getting the datarow from the selected control in a group of controls

    I tried this one, but its not getting the boolean true condition to get the messagebox working, unless i change the value to false. foreach (DataRow DatRow in mysqlconstring.table3.Rows) { CheckBox chk = new CheckBox(); chk.Width = 240...
  14. dualshck012

    Getting the datarow from the selected control in a group of controls

    I would like to know the workaround to get the datarow from the selected control (combobox) in a group of controls(combobox) from the flowlayoutpanel and pass the value to a variable Here is the code for the adding of controls based from the database. I tried using via messagebox to test the...
  15. dualshck012

    Autocomplete in combobox, matching any part of string.

    well, a textbox custom control?
  16. dualshck012

    Autocomplete in combobox, matching any part of string.

    Hi, i just used a custom control combo box to make the effect. Much responsive than the autocomplete custom source combo box property namespace SAMPLE.CustomControls { public class MyComboBox : ComboBox { private IList<object> collectionList = null...
  17. dualshck012

    Autocomplete in combobox, matching any part of string.

    I have a combobox control, and it contains items: 123 abc 12 ab abc 123 def ghm 123 I want when i write "123" into combobox, then dropdown list will show: 123 abc abc 123 ghm 123 I already have a code but I'm getting this error message: An unhandled exception of type...
  18. dualshck012

    Datagridview column filter

    it's all working now, but how can i manage to work the code at 'private void dg_vw_actve_doc_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)' to a button click? It only works during editing of values in the cell. See screenshot.
  19. dualshck012

    Datagridview column filter

    I have a databind datagridview with 4 columns, except for the first column which is an added column in the control for a symbol/color row. The first column will be filter flag to indicate an active or inactive users(Doctors). The 2nd column is a databinded column from database which has the...
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