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  1. B

    How to use properties?

    How Can I retrieve data through a proprerty in c sharp?? ---> This method is contained in my main : static decimal RetrievePower(SDK.Event.ResultEventArgs e) { //Here I want retrieve The data of the properties } Look at inside the SDK.Event.ResultEventArgs class: namespace...
  2. B

    Delay between two method

    I used task delay in my code,but no delay happens between the two method, why according to you? --->Main code namespace CalledClassWrite{ class Program { static void Main() { secondClass WriteOnLabel = new secondClass(); int x = 0...
  3. B

    Delay between two method

    Can u explain in more details, please, I don't understand.
  4. B

    Delay between two method

    I'm working with the following code: ----> This is the main class: class Program { static void Main() { public class a : CalledClassWrite.secondClass { public void ThreadOne() { for...
  5. B

    Delay tra metodi c sharp 4.0

    Salve, come è possibile creare un delay tra due metodi in c sharp? Utilizzo vs 2010, c sharp 4.0--GRz
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