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  1. simasaurucevicius

    Visual studio code c++ beginner file

    Hello.Could you guys tell me why a simple c++ file can't work and gives me errors in the terminal.How can I be that dumb? Thank you. #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout<<"something"; return 0; }
  2. simasaurucevicius

    SqlException: The server was not found

    Hello.I hope there isn't a SQL server connection problem,it seems that it doesn't read the file correctly and can't find the information from the server?Thank you for any help The code where the problem is(EmployeeManagerController): using EmployeeManagerApp.Models; using...
  3. simasaurucevicius


    Hello.I wanted to ask how does this line below the results have come up since I've done the same as the tutorial has done.Everything is good only I get this line at the end System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[Microsoft.AspNetCore.Html.HtmlString].But I haven't written it anywhere.Any help would be...
  4. simasaurucevicius

    Resolved An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.

    Hello.Did exactly like the tutorial said and still it doesnt work,checked the spelling,still doesnt work.Any suggestions? Thank you very much.If somebody finds the solution,you're doing God's work. Index.cshtml code: @{ ViewData["Title"] = "Home Page"; } <div class="text-center"> <h1...
  5. simasaurucevicius

    FirstMVCCoreWebApp Index tabs on a page layout

    Hello, I have the same file as the person who is doing the courses and when I run the code in visual studio 2019 I get my tabs and layout like the first picture and not professionally like the teacher that is showing that he gets his done.Is this some sort of newer version problem or he has some...
  6. simasaurucevicius

    Question 'HttpResponse' does not contain a definition for 'WriteAsync'?

    Hello,I have 3 errors that are popping and I have no understanding why they appeared,since the other file that I open from the courses works perfectly. These code is from the startup.cs file. Any help would be just amazing to receive since I just started and I already have simple problems. using...
  7. simasaurucevicius

    Package manager Console add-migration addCategoryToDatabase

    Hello, For some reason while I'm trying to write the function add-migration addCategoryToDatabase,it shows that the PM failed. timeframe: 1:06:54. Maybe the names are different,butI also Installed the neccessary microsoft entity tools package.I'm completely lost.Thank you for your information.
  8. simasaurucevicius

    CS8034 Unable to load Analyzer assembly

    Hello.I'm trying to download these Packages from this video timeframe in video 1:06:29 and only 1/4 installs succesfully,others fail.Tried seeing the problem in Github,but had no idea what people are talking about.Maybe someone could help?
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