core 3.1

  1. SaeedP

    Why do I get this Chrome console error

    I keep encountering the below Chrome console error while it sounds like my code is correct. @page "/" @using System.Net.Http.Json @using System.Text.Json @using System.Diagnostics @inject HttpClient Http <form> <h1>AI Image Generator</h1> <div class="form-group">...
  2. fokwabest

    How to customize the default error message "The value '' is invalid" for dynamically generated form

    I am new to core. I have a form which is generated dynamically. I want the validation error message to be "The value must be numeric" instead I get "The value 'a' is invalid" when I submit the form. Here is my View Model: [RegularExpression("^[0-9]*$", ErrorMessage = "The value must...
  3. fokwabest

    Resolved Data Export to Excel using HSSFWorkbook Works Locally but Not on Test

    I am new to ASP.NET Core. I have written a code that works on my local computer but when I publish the app to our test environment the behavior is strange. The scenario is as follows: When the user clicks a link, the app exports data to an excel file which is downloaded. On my PC / dev env, the...
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