
  1. M

    Question how to make cancel button to cancel or stop task async in my proxy checker code

    namespace WindowsFormsApplication7 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } public async Task testProxy(string ip, int port) { bool OK = false; try {...
  2. Dragon4ik

    Resolved Async method doesn't work

    I've faced with the problem, trying to set a timeout for function execution. I have the following code: public BitmapImage[,] GetResult(List<BitmapImage> list) { var task = Task.Run(() => GetBestPuzzleImage(list)); if (task.Wait(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)))...
  3. S

    Question not understanding async completely

    Hi everyone, I have something that i simply need to get some help with. I am doing some exercises with async and await. I have this method that i want to make asynchronous. It simply supposed to take an array of strings, and then create a List of strings with the same content, but just with...
  4. J

    Question Using threads to improve GUI performance

    I have developed a GUI in c# .NET 3.5 using VS2008. One function of the GUI is to launch an executable written in Fortran using the Process class in System.Diagnostics. The code to do this is: ProcessStartInfo si = new ProcessStartInfo(path-to-executable, args); Process runProc = null...
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