c# basics

  1. AndrewShev05

    Resolved currency converter

    Hi. I was given a project for school and I am lost. Don't know how to and where to start. I will attach the file. any guidance will be much appreciated. I got the form up, removed minimize maximize buttons. Got it to the center when run But I don't know how to start with the code.
  2. SiamIT

    Question Anyone Have Printer++ Latest Version?

    Greetings, i am looking for printer++ for one of my project task. but it looks like they (original site) have retired the project and turned into a bigger commercial project. i even tried to contact them for the latest printer++ version? but they was not helpful.. :( so, i request if any...
  3. codify

    'Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'into' in button code of webform

    So this is the update button code of my webform. Its giving this error at "comm.ExecuteNonQuery();" . How ever button1 which had insert operation showed no error with this. protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Data...
  4. stad_nico

    Resolved What is the best way of storeing custom data values?

    I am new to c# and I need to store many custom values maybe as an object? I am used to JavaScript, the following code does that what I want in JS, but I dont know how to do the same in c#: var exampleObject = { "playerScored":true, "goalCount": 5, "playerInfo": { "name": "Manuel...
  5. Adam2E

    can't add Unity script component?

    So im learning c# on unity, I got this error, ive gotten this error before and fixed it, but nothing im doing is working. the code doesn't seem to have errors and the script name and class name are the same. I would really apreciate some help
  6. S

    what is solution?

    hi guys, i do know what does solution explorer looks like and it can include projects in heiarchy shows properties, references and other things, but i am confused about what is the use of solution? Is there any corresponding thing in C or C++ that could help me understand it better?
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