c# csharp

  1. AnnaBauer21

    Resolved SetBinding (Code Behind) does not work, TextBlock.Text is deleted

    I created a small test project to simply illustrate my problem. The following process: I have a TextBlock in the XAML with a binding to a RelativSource. In the code behind, highlighting information is added to the Inlines of the TextBlock Because of DataGrid with...
  2. P

    How to set FK in OnModelCreating() method EF Core

    Hi all I have been studying CRUD operations in web applications following tutorials (Blazor, MVC, etc), but none of them uses more than one table in the DB. So now I'm trying to test something like an agenda in a web application. So I have two tables (Models), they are: 1) People: IdPerson...
  3. T

    Resolved Stored Procedure doesn't appear to be returning the Returned value to C#

    So I have a StoredProcedure that either Updates or Inserts a record. The SP is as follows: USE [FPY] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[insupd_tblMRBHistory_AB] Script Date: 2025-01-10 8:02:00 AM ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER PROCEDURE...
  4. Roast247

    Question Opening a Resource File?

    Hello, I am getting the following error Argument 1: cannot convert from 'byte[]' to 'string[]' and the code causing that error is Process.Start(Properties.Resources.telephone); Any and all help to resolve this issue will be much appreciated
  5. B

    Question I have a problem encrypting the database connection data file inside the xml file

    0 I have a problem encrypting the database connection data file inside the xml file Please help encrypt the xml file, as it contains data for connecting to the database when entering the system It remains encrypted so that the server data is not known Project source code...
  6. S

    How to target a .sln file, when running the dotnet publish command inside of a workflow

    Hi, I am experiencing the following issue when attempting to deploy a project to the test environment through a workflow (YAML file): MSBUILD : error MSB1003: Specify a project or solution file. The current working directory does not contain a project or solution file. Where the issue is being...
  7. fokwabest

    Resolved Data Export to Excel using HSSFWorkbook Works Locally but Not on Test

    I am new to ASP.NET Core. I have written a code that works on my local computer but when I publish the app to our test environment the behavior is strange. The scenario is as follows: When the user clicks a link, the app exports data to an excel file which is downloaded. On my PC / dev env, the...
  8. ahmedaziz

    Question How to use sql server integration service to transfer data from db2 database to sql server database ?

    I have two servers one server have sql server database and another server have db2 database I need to read data from db2 database on server A then after read it insert it into sql server database that exist on server B I use sql server 2017 so can you give me How to create ssis package to...
  9. P

    Question <input type="text" @bind-value="@client.Name" generating a lot of errors - Blazor

    Hello all, I'm working on the Add/Update page. Before, I had typed just value instead of @bind-value, and it appeared the correct value, but those fields were not updated. (Could it be because it was missing the "two way" binding?). Then I changed to @bind-value as you can see in the code, and I...
  10. P

    Question How to get table row data (such as Id) on same row button click - Blazor

    Hello, How can I get data from a table row (such as Id or other columns) on click method from a button that is in the same row? So I can pass an Id to the Delete method or something like that. This is my .razor file: @page "/ClientList" @using WebAPICountries.Models @using...
  11. P

    Question How to pass data from a page to another in Blazor

    Hi all, So I'm progressing in my web dev learning. Now I'm working on a project that is not from a tutorial, but on my own. I have on my clientList page a click event handler method that takes me to the editClient page, and I have to pass an Id to it, and I can't figure how. My method looks...
  12. P

    Question How access the connection string declared in appsettings.json in Blazor

    Hi, So I was able to add a connection string to the file appsettings.json, but I can't find the way to retrieve it in my 'Service' C# code file which gets data from the DB. What I could know is that I need an IConfiguration object, through whose GetConnectionString() method I would get the...
  13. P

    Question Blazor simple demo syntax errors

    Hi colleagues, As cjard has advised me, I'm trying to learn Blazor as web development instead of MVC. I'm following this tutorial, but although I'm copying it literally, I can see a few syntax errors which I can't figure out how to solve in the Page I'm working on. I already added the TodoItem...
  14. FASTMAN2023

    Scroll down Google Maps

    how to Scroll down Google Maps to show all items and return to the first item?? I tried more than one using Selenium and Google Drive 109.0.5414.74/ . All attempts were unsuccessful. The scroll down only one centimeter and not to the last element. I don't know what the problem is. foreach (var...
  15. A

    Question How does mvc application get the cookies from the client ?

    I have question and i don't have answer for it my question is How does mvc application get the cookies from the client ? which of the following is correct 1-cookies are sent in each request to the server 2-the server send the request to the client and ask the client to send cookies...
  16. RajeshKumar

    Resolved How to use RadzenRequiredValidator to validate a RadzenDropDown?

    I have one ParentComponent and one ChildComponent. The ChildComponent contain RadzenDropDown is not validating when click on submit button from ParentComponent . ParentComponent.razor: <RadzenTemplateForm TItem="ProductModel" Submit="OnValidSubmit" Data=@model> <DataAnnotationsValidator />...
  17. A

    Question What telement mean here and when it use it?

    I work on .net core 6 vs 2022 i see function have telement but i don't know what this mean can you show me please ? and when use it are there are any thing best from using telement or more general What I have tried: public List<TElement> SQLQuery<TElement>(string sql, string...
  18. karcs

    Resolved How do i cast a string type to a class type ?

    here is the ERROR MESSAGE:- Unable to cast object of type 'System.String' to type 'query' public static Xxl.Query QueryBySize(string SizeNo) { Query result = new Query(); result.SizeInfo.SizeCode = "Xxl"; Xxl.Query result1 = new Xxl.Query()...
  19. MonsterMMORPG

    My C# and ASP.NET Core MVC Lecture Videos

    Hello everyone. My name is Furkan Gözükara. I am a Ph.D. computer engineer from Turkey. I have a software engineering dedicated Youtube channel named: SECourses : https://www.youtube.com/SECourses I want to share a few of my lecture playlists. The playlists contain the full course for free...
  20. M

    How to use a ComboBox as a dropdown menu

    I have to show a list of strings (Trial names) that are fetched from a PostgreSQL database. The number of strings is only known at runtime. I have implemented that through a ComboBox as follows: <ComboBox x:Name="TrialDB" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" MinWidth="100"...
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