
  1. D

    how to change the cursor style in all form?

    I want to write a tool software, when I click on the status bar icon of this tool software, it displays the coordinates and color values of the mouse cursor position, I have already realized the specific function, but I want to set the mouse cursor style to cross cursor style in the process of...
  2. Polski Arrow

    Cursor glitch in Unity

    Hi, I was writing code for GUI in my Unity game and I started by making just layer for this. I wanted to test script showing and hiding cursor after clicking Tab and cursor was showing and hiding many times per second. This is code fragment responsible for this function: if (openinventory)...
  3. D

    Pixel Color search where the cursor is

    Firstly i want to say that i'm not english and completely new to visual basic, c#,windows forms .. So sorry for my english and questions that might be dumb for some of you! So i have a button(pixelSetColor) and what i want to do is when i click on it is that a message box appears and when i...
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