
  1. S

    Connecting to Oracle db and fetching SQL queries and executing it and export it to excel

    Hi Scenario - I need to send some 150 reports . At present my old team mate created c# code and created 150 exe with same code. So in each report folder it have 1sub folder with SQL script another 1cofig file and and exe. Now it came to me to simplify due to dependency issue. Now my approach is...
  2. A

    Answered How to compress multi Excel files to zip Archive ?

    I working on c# 5 app create more than excel files xlsx but I face Issue I cannot compress these files to one file as zip archive . meaning if result of code below of three files as abc.xlsx and autod.xlsx and mog.xlsx as examples then create all theses file to one file as zip archive with...
  3. P

    Need help when dealing with Excel Complex Data in MSTest

    Currently, I am fetching data from particular sheet where it matched a "Key" value - But now I want to access data from all sheets where it matches "Key" value In my excel - I have two sheets: LogInUserData and Sheet2 Now in LogInUserData Key Email Password RememberMe LogInSuccessfully...
  4. S

    Data import from Excel Files

    Hi All. I am working on a project where I need to carry out below steps. 1. Import data from Excel and display using datagridview 2. Create local database in the application - Windows .Net form application 3. Convert the loaded data into SQL format (SQL readable format) 4. Store the data in...
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