
  1. P

    How to have a connection String? - Not A Valid File Name

    My company have static IP- configured via router and can be accessed from internet like File Explorer - Network - Then the address bar I use to give like the below For the above address, how to give a connection string, any kind help will be very much...
  2. A

    Question External table is not in the expected format

    I am trying to upload my excel 2013 file contents to sql server. Here is my code : try { string connectionString = @"data source=DELL\SQLEXPRESS01 ; initial catalog = amen; persist security info = True; Integrated Security = SSPI; "...
  3. R

    How to apply template on excel file exported using oledb ?

    Hi, I have exported data into excel file using oledb since I cannot use interop or any third party library. Here is my code ''' <summary> ''' Export datagridview's data contained in an data table to excel file ''' </summary> ''' <param...
  4. R

    Question Best Data Provider to use with all/almost all Database

    Hi All, I am starting to develop a new framework and need to know if there's any best or common used data provider that accept Oracle, Sql Server, Access, and another possible Database Client's. Is there any suggestion? ODBCConnection? OleDbConnection? SqlConnection? Tks and sorry the bad...
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