
  1. Kevin24

    Question about Kubernetes Deployment tutorial on Microsoft Learn

    I am going through the tutorial Module on Microsoft Learn titled "Deploy a .NET Microservice to Kubernetes" and am on the third unit located here: Exercise - Push a microservice image to Docker Hub - Training | Microsoft Learn. I am stuck under the "Verify the Docker images by creating...
  2. MonsterMMORPG

    My C# and ASP.NET Core MVC Lecture Videos

    Hello everyone. My name is Furkan Gözükara. I am a Ph.D. computer engineer from Turkey. I have a software engineering dedicated Youtube channel named: SECourses : https://www.youtube.com/SECourses I want to share a few of my lecture playlists. The playlists contain the full course for free...
  3. lmstearn

    Building Out-Of-The-Box Tutorial Examples

    Hi there, With VS2017 15.5.2, building Resources from Code-behind, the final topic on this tutorial page: Get: Having tried most of the suggested workarounds from SO, not a clue as to where to go from here- is it something to do with views at all? Also compiling Custom Dependency Properties...
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