
  1. A

    Question Consume Web Services

    Hi Experts, i was provided a webservice endpoint by one of our vendors . I need to consume this using C# or asp .net and write that json into oracle table. I am coming from oracle background and no idea on how asp or c# can resolve my issue. Is there any standard template which i can follow to...
  2. H

    Question WCF Restful service cannot convert PDF file as MemoryStream or ByteArray

    Service : WCF REST Service (.Net Framework 4.0) Platform: 64-bit (Windows) Hi, I have a WCF rest service to fetch data and show it on the client screen. I am using a node js client application which mostly uses javascript to fetch this pdf memory stream and then displays it onto the client...
  3. P

    Question Error while calling a Webservice using AJAX / JQuery

    Hello, This is my first experience with C# Web Service & AJAX ... I would like to build a page like Facebook that will load the next set of records when we scroll down ... I'm trying to use the code but it's not working at all ... Can you help me ? Thank you Paul HTML Code...
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