
  1. M

    XML serialisaton. Error: XmlException: Root element is missing.

    Hi all. I am making a game like minecraft. I need to keep the world when the player exits the game. Chunk (it is a place 16 by 16 blocks) and world contain a lot datas, that don't serialize can. so i have created classes WorldData and ChunkData, that contain only serializable varibles. But i...
  2. flashkid10

    Attaching a XmlSerializer to Progress Bar from a Background worker

    How do I attaching a XmlSerializer to Progress Bar (called SaveBar)? the Serializer is called from a background worker public class TestObject { public int OneValue { get; set; } public int TwoValue { get; set; } } TestObject test = new TestObject { OneValue = 5, TwoValue = 4 }; private void...
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