Question add a map to the project


Dec 30, 2020
Programming Experience
I want to add a map to my project, but I need to mark on the map I added. how can I do that? I will mark according to years and months, then I will pull that map from the database whenever I want. should I do this on web or as an app?
There are various free and paid mapping solutions out there, e.g. Google Maps, Bing Maps, Leaflet, OpenLayers, etc. You need to do some research and work out what each one can provide and which one is most compatible with your needs. Even if one is specifically designed for the web, you can still add a web viewer to a Windows app, so it's up to you what type of application you create. As it stands, your question is too broad for us to provide a definitive answer. It's really for you to do some research and get a better idea of what's available and then ask more specific questions if required.
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