I have a code that gets the IdentifyingNumber of a program installed in Windows. However, during the time it gets the info, the console log is empty with no information about the progress of the code. I would need to show a progress bar to show the status of the code progress. At the end, the code prints an output4 = C3BCB0F2-5303-489D-AFAB-218B416D000D. Before, that print I would need to show the progress from 0 to 100 or something.
According to my understanding, one way to do this is to use a percentage-based progress bar. In this case, you would calculate the percentage of work completed by dividing the current amount of work by the total amount of work and multiplying by 100. For example, if you have completed 20 out of 100 tasks, the progress would be 20% (20/100 * 100).
But that's the problem, How do I know the total amount if the total amount is based in the variable CPU process.? I can not predict that value. I have tried with a function that I call but this just a static bar (useless)
I will appreciate any idea
Please, follow the code here below:
I have a code that gets the IdentifyingNumber of a program installed in Windows. However, during the time it gets the info, the console log is empty with no information about the progress of the code. I would need to show a progress bar to show the status of the code progress. At the end, the code prints an output4 = C3BCB0F2-5303-489D-AFAB-218B416D000D. Before, that print I would need to show the progress from 0 to 100 or something.
According to my understanding, one way to do this is to use a percentage-based progress bar. In this case, you would calculate the percentage of work completed by dividing the current amount of work by the total amount of work and multiplying by 100. For example, if you have completed 20 out of 100 tasks, the progress would be 20% (20/100 * 100).
But that's the problem, How do I know the total amount if the total amount is based in the variable CPU process.? I can not predict that value. I have tried with a function that I call but this just a static bar (useless)
I will appreciate any idea
Please, follow the code here below:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
namespace test
public class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
int progress = 0;
int max = 100;
Console.Write(GetProgressBar(progress, max));
ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("wmic");
startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
startInfo.Arguments = "product where \"Name like '%Genetec Sipelia%'\" get IdentifyingNumber";
startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
Process process = new Process();
process.StartInfo = startInfo;
// Update progress and wait for process to finish
progress += 25;
Console.Write(GetProgressBar(progress, max));
// Step 2: Read output and wait
string output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
// Update progress
progress += 25;
Console.Write(GetProgressBar(progress, max));
string input = output;
string pattern2 = @"IdentifyingNumber\s+";
string output3 = Regex.Replace(input, pattern2, "");
string input3 = output3;
string pattern3 = @"[{}]+";
string output4 = Regex.Replace(input3, pattern3, "");
Console.WriteLine("the output4 :" + output4);
static string GetProgressBar(int progress, int max)
int percent = (int)((double)progress / max * 100);
int numFilled = (int)((double)progress / max * 50);
string progressBar = $"|{new string('=', numFilled)}{new string(' ', 50 - numFilled)}| {percent}%";
return progressBar;