Question Best way to change the BindingNavigator PositionItem to 0-based


New member
Dec 2, 2017
Programming Experience
What should I override in PositionItem to show/accept 0-based row numbers instead of 1-based?
There's no overriding I think. You'd have to actually set the PositionItem property of the BindingNavigator to null and then handle it manually. You'd have to handle the PositionChanged event of your BindingSource and set the content of that control manually and you'd also have to handle the TextChanged event (or maybe Leave or Validated, can't recall how it usually works) and set the Position of the BindingSource manually.
Ok, thanks.
Probably easier to just build a custom text box and replace the PositionItem.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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