Question Can I use a GitHub Library with GNU License in commercial C# software?


New member
Sep 2, 2022
Programming Experience
1. Can I use a GitHub Library with the "GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1" license for a commercial computer software? (C#)

What I wish to do-
  • Install the library through Nuget Package in Visual Studio
  • Add a reference to a function in that library to perform a specific task
  • Installer of my software will install that library on user's PC along with my software for its smooth functioning
What I don't wish to do-
  • Copy all or specific portions of the source code of that library into my application
  • Modify/ alter the source code of that library in any way
  • Claim ownership of that library
2. Is it mandatory to provide names of all the 20-30 authors of that GitHub library or a link to the original library in to the application's About box?

3. Are there any other requirements that I must follow?

Thank you.
I am not a lawyer. Here's my general advice, though:

2. Is it mandatory to provide names of all the 20-30 authors of that GitHub library or a link to the original library in to the application's About box?

Here's a slightly better explanation:
Thanks so much Skydiver for helping me again! :)

I know my question was probably a little bit stupid but I thought to confirm my doubt to be compliant.

Have a great day!
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