combobox inside datagridview


Active member
Feb 3, 2019
Programming Experience
i have a datagaridview that on form load loads details from a database into it, what id like to do if possible is add a combo box to one of the columns(status) andbe able to change this from either closed or open.

filling datagridview:
        private void showProducts()
                conn = new SQLiteConnection(dbConnection.source);
                string sqlcommand = @"SELECT * FROM product";

                da_Products = new SQLiteDataAdapter(sqlcommand, conn);
                dt_Products = new DataTable();
                dgv_Products.DataSource = dt_Products;



            catch (Exception ex)

got it working with this code:
private void dgv_Products_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)

            if (e.ColumnIndex > -1)
                // Bind grid cell with combobox and than bind combobox with datasource. 
                DataGridViewComboBoxCell status = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell();

                // Check the column  cell, in which it click. 
                if (dgv_Products.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name.Contains("status"))
                    // On click of datagridview cell, attched combobox with this click cell of datagridview 
                    dgv_Products[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex] = status;
                    string[] state = new string[] { "open",  "closed" };


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Personally, if it's just a choice between two values/states, I feel like a checkbox is better than a combobox, but whatever floats your boat.
well i have added a checkbox to my datagridview but im trying to figure out how to set it so i can only check one box at a time

checkboxes added to datagridview:
// adds a checkbox to each row so user is able to select specific rows
            DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn dgvCmb = new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn();
            dgvCmb.ValueType = typeof(bool);
            dgvCmb.Name = "Slt";
            dgvCmb.HeaderText = "Select";
In your post #1, you were replacing the cell on the fly. In post #3 it looks like you have now opted to make the entire column a DataGridCheckBoxColumn.

Anyway, each row's checkbox should only map to changing the value for that row. Are you saying that when you change the value of one of the checkboxes on a row, all the other rows are also changing values?
No I'm not actually using the checkbook for anything atm what I want to use them for is to select one then on button click open a new form that will display all info that is relating to the selected row so ideally I'd only like to be able to select a maximum on 1 checkbox
If that's the case, why even use a checkbox column? Why not some kind of row click handler instead?
If you want to ensure that no more than one box is checked in a check box column then simply handle the CellContentClick event of the grid, which is raised when the user clicks a check box, and confirm that it occurred in the appropriate column, then set the Value to false in that column of every row but the one the event occurred in.
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