Counting number of methods called within another method


Dec 17, 2020
Programming Experience
I have a question that feels like it should have a simple solution, but I'm having trouble figuring one out. I have a method in my application that contains a for loop. Inside the for loop a list of commands are run. The for loop is needed as each of these commands are run on a different channel (sending settings to a controller that has 4 output channels). I need the count for a progress bar that's located in another form. Here's a simplified view of the method to explain.

public void SendSettings()
    byte i;
    //Send all settings for channels

    for (i = 1; i <= NUM_OF_CH; i++)
        CmdSnd(OutModeSet, i, _Gvars.Channel[i].OutputMode);
        CmdSnd(InvertModeSet, i, _Gvars.Channel[i].OutputInvertToggle);
        CmdSnd(EnableModeSet, i, _Gvars.Channel[i].EnableMode);
        CmdSnd(EnablePinPolaritySet, i, _Gvars.Channel[i].EnablePolarityPin);
        ProgressValue += 4; 


Hardcoding it in the example is easy as there's only 4 commands being executed, but there will be many more and some added at future dates by different people. I was hoping for a way to count these dynamically so that whoever changes the commands didn't have to count them and change the value by hand.
I need the count for a progress bar that's located in another form.
The suggestion in the previous post is excellent for solving the direct problem posed by the OP. But now the indirect question that was not asked: how to compute the total value that the progress bar should be initially set to before the for loop above starts calling that new helper method proposed in the previous post.
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