Create an application to calculate bowling score


New member
Mar 12, 2020
Programming Experience
"Please develop in C # a program that counts the points of a bowling game, in the form of a command line console program. The program counts points for only 1 player. The command line contains the succession of pins bowled at each throw. The game is not necessarily over.

Eg: C:… \> Bowling 5 2 10 7 0 4"

You will be judged on the quality of the program and that of the code.
someone may help me to improve the code?

this is the link for my code.
It's not really for us to just read all your code in the hope of finding something that isn't right. If this is an assignment then you should be judged on your own work, not that of expert strangers on the internet. If you think that there is some specific area that might be improved, post that part of the code directly and explain what you think the issue may be.
It's not really for us to just read all your code in the hope of finding something that isn't right. If this is an assignment then you should be judged on your own work, not that of expert strangers on the internet. If you think that there is some specific area that might be improved, post that part of the code directly and explain what you think the issue may be.
I need someone how can evaluate the code?
I need someone how can evaluate the code?
No you don't. Maybe that's what you want - someone to help you get better marks without extra work or cost - but you don't need it. Does the code work? If so then that's that part done. If not, what's the problem? Do you have specific concerns about the code or not? If so, what are they? If not, either be happy with what you have done or put some more work into the logic and implementation to see if there are areas that can be improved. I can't tell you not to post questions of the form "here's my code, find the issues for me" but they are unlikely to get much positive attention around here. We want to help you get better but we're not here to be taken advantage of or to help you cheat in your homework assignments.
No you don't. Maybe that's what you want - someone to help you get better marks without extra work or cost - but you don't need it. Does the code work? If so then that's that part done. If not, what's the problem? Do you have specific concerns about the code or not? If so, what are they? If not, either be happy with what you have done or put some more work into the logic and implementation to see if there are areas that can be improved. I can't tell you not to post questions of the form "here's my code, find the issues for me" but they are unlikely to get much positive attention around here. We want to help you get better but we're not here to be taken advantage of or to help you cheat in your homework assignments.
Sorry, this code is about using TDD and i need someone to review the code. it s about code quality, this sample code can be shared with the community to help developers to understand this concept. the project is based on the "Agile principles,Patterns and practices in C#" for Robert C Martin.
I m looking for someone how can review this code to be more clean for the community.
Robert martin uses array but i used object instead array.
TDD does not ensure code legibility and quality. TDD ensures code correctness. Yes a code review would help with the code legibility and quality, but that's not what you asked for originally. You should have lead with: "I need a code review. I'm concerned with X, Y, or Z. I would also appreciate comments on general coding practices and style."
Robert martin uses array but i used object instead array.
Why did you use object instead of an array of a definite type? What pros and cons did you consider when you made this decision? For me personally, it's a poor choice to use object because it makes your code less type safe.
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