Question data type mismatch

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2021
Programming Experience
I have code part with data type mismatch that stops the running program/source code.
character comparison:
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConsoleApp2karater1
    class Program
        class mystruct{
          public string kar;
          public int a;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int[] a = new int[14];
            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int k = -1;
            int hossz = 0;
            string[] tomb = new string[14];
            List<mystruct> tmb2 = new List<mystruct>();
            int[] tomb2 = new int[14];
            string str1 = "hello world!?/";
            string str2 = "";
            mystruct[] tmb = new mystruct[14];

            hossz = str1.Length;
            mystruct myrek = new mystruct();

            for (i = 0; i < hossz; i++)
                for (j = 0; j < hossz; j++)
                    if (str1[j] == str1[i])

                        a[j] = a[j] + 1;
                        if (a[j] < 2)
                            //k = k + 1;
                            tomb[i] = Convert.ToString(str1[i]);
                            tomb2[i] = 1;
                            k = k + tomb2[i];
                            tomb[i] = "empty";


                Console.Write(a[i] + " i " + i + " k " + k + " " + tomb[i] + " " + tomb2[i] + " \n");


            k = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < hossz; i++)
                tomb2[i] = tomb2[i] + 1;
                Console.Write(" a[" + i + " ] " + a[i] + " " + tomb[i]);
                Console.Write(" " + tomb2[i] + "\n");
                if (tomb[i] != "empty")
                    mystruct mydata = new mystruct();
                    str2 += tomb[i];
                    mydata.kar +=tomb[i];

            foreach (char ch in str2)
                Console.WriteLine(" ch " + ch);

            foreach (mystruct ch2 in tmb2)
                Console.WriteLine(" tmb 1 " + ch2.kar);

            /* */
            int i2 = 0;
            for (int dt=0;dt<hossz;dt++)
                //foreach (mystruct dt2 in tmb2)
                for (int dt2 = 0; dt2 < hossz; dt2++)
                    mystruct mydata = new mystruct();
                    string str = mydata.kar;
                    char character = str[0];
                    if (character == str1[i2])
                        mydata.a += 1;

            int i3 = -1;
            foreach (mystruct rek in tmb2)
                    Console.WriteLine(i3 + " elem " + rek.kar + " db " + rek.a);

We've told you in the past not to open duplicate threads about the same problem. I am too tired today to try to merge threads. I am closing this thread. Please reply to your old thread and tell us what progress you made it what new things you have tried to make progress.
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