Resolved datagrid selection available in another page


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2018
Programming Experience
Morning all.
I have a datagrid that selects records from a database. If a record is double clicked then it opens a page with that record so that it can be updated. I have made it that the student number gets selected because this is a unique field. I have got that all working, what I am battling with is getting the second page to know which record in the datagrid has been selected so that the information can be selected from a database table. What is the best way of doing this. Please just point me in the right direction so I can research as that is the best way to learn. This is my first wpf project and I am fairly new to C#. If you need me to post code I will but I just would like to know but I would prefer being directed in teh right direction so I can research.
Thank you and have a great day.
Hi All, thank you I came right, created another class constructor after a bit of research. Have a great weekend
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