Declaration and Instantiation of variables


Active member
Dec 10, 2024
Programming Experience
could you pls. explain the difference of the following instructions:

class Car
  string color = "red";
  private void SpeedUp() { // dosth}

Case 1:
Car ferrari;

Car ferrari = new();

Car ferrari {get;set;}

Car ferrari {get;set;} = new();

What happens in the cases above, if maserati is assigned to ferrari ?

Car maserati = {get; set;} new();

ferrari = maserati;
This sounds very much like homework and it's not for us to cheat for you. How about you tell us what you think and we can tell you whether you're on the right track and provide pointers if you're not?
Actually it is not homework ;-) but I will try my best:

No memory allocated, just a memory adress assigned (like pointer in c/c++).
ferrari = maserati -> ferrari pointer points to maserati object now ?!
I can access maserati public properties(Members via ferrari pointer.

Memory for Object ist allocated at a specific memory location.
ferrari = maserati -> maserati objects overwrites ferrari object ?!
I can access maserati public properties(Members via ferrari object.

For a single property based on int, bool etc. I would say this is just a shortcut.
In connection with a class I dont know, because there might be many properties inside.
Assignments are unclear.

This is a mystery.
Assignments are unclear.
Firstly, I suggest that you do some reading on value types and reference types. Variables of value types contain an object while variables of reference types contain a reference to an object. When you assign one variable to another, you copy the contents of the source variable into the destination. For value type variables, you're copying an object. For reference type variables, you're copying a reference, so there are now two references to the same object. People tend to think that value types more closely represent real life but it's actually reference types that do. Let's say that I live in a house and you move in with me. My house is now your house too:
you.House = me.House;
That didn't just create a second house. There's simply two references to the same house object.

As for your cases, the first two declare fields while the last two declare properties. Under the hood, a property is a field with two accessor methods: one to get the value and one to set. Because the field is accessed by dedicated methods, you can add extra functionality over a basic field, e.g. validation and raising events. The odd numbered cases declare members without assigning them a default value while the even numbered cases initialise the members with a new object of the appropriate type.
Case 3 makes use of automatic properties that came in C# version 3 (?) So when you write:
Car ferrari {get;set;}
The compiler generates something like this:
Car <ferrari>k__BackingField;

Car ferrari
        return <ferrari>k__BackingField;

        <ferrari>k__BackingField = value;
Note, the <ferrari>k__BackingField is not accessible to your regular C# code. If you bendover backwards using reflection it may be accessible. Also note that naming convention may have changed since when the automatic properties feature was introduced to discourage people trying to use reflection.

The reason for this is because in the first few versions of C#, this boilerplate code was commonly written by people manually.
private SomeType _innerValue;

public SomeType Value
        return _innerValue;

        _innerValue = value;
The way you declare and initialize variables can significantly affect their behavior. Let's break down the cases:
  1. Case 1: Car ferrari;
    This declares a variable ferrari of type Car, but it is uninitialized. It cannot be used until it is assigned a value.
  2. Case 2: Car ferrari = new();
    This declares and initializes ferrari with a new instance of Car. It is ready for use immediately.
  3. Case 3: Car ferrari {get; set;}
    This syntax is used for properties in a class, not for variable declaration. It defines a property named ferrari with public getters and setters.
  4. Case 4: Car ferrari {get; set;} = new();
    Similar to Case 3, this defines a property ferrari and initializes it with a new instance of Car.
If you attempt to assign maserati to ferrari with ferrari = maserati;, it will work only if both are of the same type and properly initialized. However, the line Car maserati = {get; set;} new(); is incorrect syntax. The correct initialization should be Car maserati = new Car();.
@Rythorian : This forum's main goal is to help people learn. It's not like StackOverflow where the goal is to provide answers first, and learning in ancillary.
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