Question Edit Word Document at client side and update back to server side application


New member
May 10, 2020
Programming Experience
Hi All,

Topic: Edit Word Document at client side and update back to server side application

I have a desktop application i.e. server- client app (not web) running on a server which hosts several DOCX Documents (MS Word documents)

I want the user (using my application) after choosing any document to be able to:

  • open the document using Microsoft Word installed on his PC
  • View the document and edit it.
  • save his work, and changes must be committed to the server.
could anyone help me how to do that


  • lunch MS Word on client PC
  • know when the user closes the MS Word application on his PC
  • is it necessary to download the file before editing it or I can edit it remotely?
Thanks in advance
  • lunch MS Word on client PC
The Process.Start method.
  • know when the user closes the MS Word application on his PC
The Process class has an Exited event, although it doesn't always work the way you expect. That would be the first option to look at though.
  • is it necessary to download the file before editing it or I can edit it remotely?
Yes, it does need to be downloaded. Files on SharePoint can be edited by multiple users but they are still stored locally anyway.

If using the Process class doesn't work, you may be able to use Office Automation, although that would likely be a bit more complex.
Is your app on the server or is it on the client machine?

In general, you cannot launch an app on the client from a server (unless you establish either a protocol handler, or the client app is already running on the client machine and just waiting for a signal from the server).
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