I have a hidden value field on a page. On submit I post to a different page. On the page I've posted to I do a Request.Form but I do not get the value just a null value.
This is the initial page
The javascript ViewCancellation function is set to a hyperlink in the code behind. The function will have a value like this,<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"ViewCancellation(54666);return false;\">cancel</a>
On the page I'm posting to I'm doing this
sResID gets no value because context.Request.Form["ResID"] is null. How can I get the value to this page. I have enabledviewstate
I have a hidden value field on a page. On submit I post to a different page. On the page I've posted to I do a Request.Form but I do not get the value just a null value.
This is the initial page
<div id="booking_content_wrapper">
<form id="mainForm" name="mainForm" runat="server" action="Cancellation.aspx">
<h2>Paid Bookings</h2>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="booking_table">
<th width="110">Enquiry No.</th>
<th width="250">Establishment</th>
<th width="110">Arrival Date</th>
<th width="20">Confirmed</th>
<asp:Literal ID="PaidBookingsResults" runat="server"></asp:Literal>
<asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="ResID" EnableViewState="true" />
function ViewCancellation(sResID) {
document.getElementById("<%=ResID.ClientID%>").value = sResID;
The javascript ViewCancellation function is set to a hyperlink in the code behind. The function will have a value like this,<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"ViewCancellation(54666);return false;\">cancel</a>
On the page I'm posting to I'm doing this
string sResID = "";
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
sResID = context.Request.Form["ResID"] != null ? context.Request.Form["ResID"] : "";
sResID = Regex.Replace(sResID, "/[^A-Z]\\d-/g", "");
sResID gets no value because context.Request.Form["ResID"] is null. How can I get the value to this page. I have enabledviewstate