Answered Guessing game, something wrong with code can't spot it


New member
Sep 24, 2020
Programming Experience
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using System;
namespace loopsandguessinggame
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)

Console.WriteLine("T H E G U E S S I N G G A M E");
Console.WriteLine("---------------------------------"); //title to game

int usernumber; //setting the user input variable
int counter; //settingthe counter for the loop

counter = 0; //the start counter value

Random rnd = new Random();
int randomnumber = rnd.Next(1, 1000); //creates a number between 1 and 1000

Console.WriteLine("Guess my number! It is between 1 and 1000."); //asking user to guess number
Console.WriteLine("You only have 25 tries, so guess wisely!"); //telling the user about number of tries

usernumber = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); //input of usernumber

for (int i = counter; i != 26;) //setting loop to run 25 times
counter = counter + 1;
if (usernumber = randomnumber)
counter = 27;
Console.WriteLine("Well done you guessed correctly!");
Console.WriteLine("! ! Y O U B E A T T H E G A M E !!");
else if (usernumber < randomnumber)
Console.WriteLine("Your number is too low guess again");
Console.WriteLine("Your number is too high guess again");
Console.WriteLine("You ran out of tries sorry!");
Console.WriteLine("! ! G A M E O V E R ! !");
Line 29 add another =

Generally its not a good idea to go blindly accepting user input without parsing it properly. But that's an issue for another question.
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