Help understanding a script


New member
Mar 22, 2020
Programming Experience
hi guys, thanks for any future help with my problem, I've been trying to work on some game server files and still don't know exactly how the files connect and comunicate to each other. if any one can help me with the following questions, not necessarily have to be answers to all of them, just if you know something about those subjects. im trying to learn C# coding since those files are C# base so the more info I can get the better.

1.- I've been reading this script and it seems that It takes info from a file (I don't know exactly how it does since I don't see the file directory in the script, just know that it request for a public one) so the CS file is named DigimonDB, and has the following script:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Digital_World.Helpers;
using System.IO;
using Digital_World.Entities;

namespace Digital_World.Database
public class DigimonDB
public static Dictionary<int, DigimonData> Digimon = new Dictionary<int, DigimonData>();
public static void Load(string fileName)
if (Digimon.Count > 0) return;
using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(fileName))
using (BitReader read = new BitReader(s))

int count = read.ReadInt();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
read.Seek(4 + i * 408);

DigimonData digiData = new DigimonData();
digiData.Species = read.ReadInt();
digiData.DisplayName = read.ReadZString(Encoding.Unicode);

read.Seek(4 + 136 + i * 408);
digiData.Name = read.ReadZString(Encoding.ASCII);

read.Seek(4 + 228 + i * 408);
digiData.HP = read.ReadShort();
digiData.DS = read.ReadShort();

digiData.DE = read.ReadShort();
digiData.EV = read.ReadShort();
digiData.MS = read.ReadShort();
digiData.CR = read.ReadShort();
digiData.AT = read.ReadShort();
digiData.AS = read.ReadShort();
digiData.uStat = read.ReadShort();
digiData.HT = read.ReadShort();
digiData.uShort1 = read.ReadShort();

digiData.Skill1 = read.ReadShort();
digiData.Skill2 = read.ReadShort();
digiData.Skill3 = read.ReadShort();

Digimon.Add(digiData.Species, digiData);
Console.WriteLine("[DigimonDB] Loaded {0} digimon.", Digimon.Count);

public static DigimonData GetDigimon(int Species)
if (Digimon.ContainsKey(Species))
return Digimon[Species];
return null;

public static List<int> GetSpecies(string Name)
List<int> species = new List<int>();
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, DigimonData> kvp in Digimon)
DigimonData dData = kvp.Value;
if (dData.DisplayName.Contains(Name) || dData.Name.Contains(Name))
return species;

public class DigimonData
public int Species;
public string Name;
public string DisplayName;
public short HP, DS, DE, AS, MS, CR, AT, EV, uStat, HT, uShort1;
public short Skill1, Skill2, Skill3;

public DigimonData() { }

public DigimonStats Stats(short Size)
//TODO: Get Stats
return null;

public DigimonStats Default(Character Tamer, int Sync, int Size)
DigimonStats Stats = new DigimonStats();

Stats.MaxHP = (short)(Math.Min(Math.Floor((decimal)HP * ((ushort)Size / 10000)) + Math.Floor((decimal)Tamer.HP * (Sync / 100)), short.MaxValue));
Stats.HP = (short)(Math.Min(Math.Floor((decimal)HP * ((ushort)Size / 10000)) + Math.Floor((decimal)Tamer.HP * (Sync / 100)), short.MaxValue));
Stats.MaxDS = (short)(Math.Min(Math.Floor((decimal)DS * ((ushort)Size / 10000)) + Math.Floor((decimal)Tamer.DS * (Sync / 100)), short.MaxValue));
Stats.DS = (short)(Math.Max(Math.Floor((decimal)DS * ((ushort)Size / 10000)) + Math.Floor((decimal)Tamer.DS * (Sync / 100)), short.MaxValue));

Stats.DE = (short)(Math.Min(Math.Floor((decimal)DE * ((ushort)Size / 10000)) + Math.Floor((decimal)Tamer.DE * (Sync / 100)), short.MaxValue));
Stats.MS = (short)(Math.Min(Math.Floor((decimal)MS * ((ushort)Size / 10000)) + Math.Floor((decimal)Tamer.MS * (Sync / 100)), short.MaxValue));
Stats.CR = (short)(Math.Min(Math.Floor((decimal)CR * ((ushort)Size / 10000)), short.MaxValue));
Stats.AT = (short)(Math.Min(Math.Floor((decimal)AT * ((ushort)Size / 10000)) + Math.Floor((decimal)Tamer.AT * (Sync / 100)), short.MaxValue));
Stats.EV = EV;
Stats.uStat = uStat;
Stats.HT = HT;

Stats.Intimacy = (short)Sync;
return Stats;

public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0} [{1}]", DisplayName, Species);
so I know it takes the info and then it use it, but I don't know exactly how it work exactly, does it read it, save it and transfer it to another file? or it keep it and then another code call that information?
Also I know this code should be reading this file to get much information : DigimonList.BIN
and thats my next question about.

2.- how can I read the information stored in such binary files (.bin) I've been trying to look for programs that can help me but all I get is periods, periods and more periods, I know the code read it using Bitreader but if visual basic is capable of reading it there is some way for me to get that info in a text file right? apparently that .bin file only stores text information? how can I get that information for me to read it and modify it? its possible to create a script capable of read the whole archive information and then transfer that to a text file?

3.- if you were going to work on this server files, would you get rid of the .bin files and work in some sort of XML files to store such info or just keep the .bin files? I would really be more satisfied working on XML but i really don't know what information is stored on the bin files thats why im struggling on advancing on it, cause can't fin a way of extracting the information of such files.

these are the question I have, which are kind of basic haha, but im learning all this stuff and im eager to become a programmer just for hobby and I need some help, im reading some basic C# guides and stuff, but mean while i what to solve those question that are flying over my head.
if you want to go further on helping me and what to take a quick look to the game files I will attach them to the thread, and I will upload the .bin file by itself even though its already on the game files.

thank you so much guys, have a nice weekend.
If you are just learning C# jumping straight into a game is normally the worse thing that you can do because you will miss out on building the necessary foundations of understanding how think like a programmer and break down a large problem into smaller problems. Think of it as "I want to learn how to build a house.", and then jumping straight into a full blown home with all kinds of subsystems like: roofing, foundations, walls, plumbing, electrical, insulation, HVAC, etc. when you should start off with basic carpentry and masonry.

As a quick aside, in general, in C#, source code is called "code", not "script". It's only Unity which calls the user customizable bits of C# code as "script"s.
If you are just learning C# jumping straight into a game is normally the worse thing that you can do because you will miss out on building the necessary foundations of understanding how think like a programmer and break down a large problem into smaller problems. Think of it as "I want to learn how to build a house.", and then jumping straight into a full blown home with all kinds of subsystems like: roofing, foundations, walls, plumbing, electrical, insulation, HVAC, etc. when you should start off with basic carpentry and masonry.

As a quick aside, in general, in C#, source code is called "code", not "script". It's only Unity which calls the user customizable bits of C# code as "script"s.
Thanks for the answer, and ya, i completely understand that I need to know the basic before getting into such a big project, but I just want to get familiar with the files and how exactly it works and the reason is, why keep putting all this effort Into those files if at the end the way it is built is not much of a help, for example, what if the there is no way of view or edit the content of the binary files or, if there is no way of making the server files work with XML and get rid of those binary files. Thats why im asking the previous questions. Im not pretending on advanzing or fully build an entired server files with just the question o asked
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