Resolved hook up front end code that was made in electron with backend code made with core?


Active member
Oct 22, 2021
Programming Experience
My mentor has asked me to figure out a way to hook up code that was made using electron with another project that was made using core. This may sound like a stupid question but i was wondering how i would do this? I've never done anything like this before.
Is the ASP.NET Core app an MVC web site or a Web API or something else?

its a web API, ive managed to get the app running using "electronize start" so thats fine. Now I'm trying to figure out how to copy over the html/css/Javascript files so that i can then apply that to the appearance of the electron app.

**EDIT for some reason i wasn't able to see the rest of the files when i installed all the electron packages. In my solution explorer i clicked on "show all files" now i have access to the default html/java script files
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