How do I modify send email button to also send email for selected listbox items?


Feb 27, 2019
Programming Experience
Our app currently sends email to person(requestor) selected from a combobox. So it only sends one email to a single person.
We have new business requirement that the app should also send email to more than one person when needed. The project owner does not want to replace the current combobox with a listbox.
So I was asked to add a listbox to the user interface. If a user want to send email to more than one person, the user will select a person from combobox and also select additional people to send email to from the listbox by clicking a Email button.
The code for Email button also need to check if the selected person in the listbox is also selected in the combobox. If the person selected in the listbox is also selected in the combobox, only one email will be sent. We do not want to send two emails to the same person.
I need help to modify the code for the Email button so that, it also sends email or emails to a person or people selected from the listbox if and when there is a selection.
How do I do this?

The listbox is basically populated with the same information as combobox.
Listbox code as populated i.e contains same information as in combobox. I did not post combobox code here.

public async void PopulateAdditionalStaffEmailListBox() 
{    List<GetRequestorInfoModel> requestors = new List<GetRequestorInfoModel>();        
requestors = await FTACaseReset.Controllers.RequestorInfoController.GetAllRequestorInfoes();       
 requestors = requestors.OrderBy(x => x.DisplayName).ToList(); //Has 15 items        
//Populate AdditionalStaffEmailListBox        
for (int i = 0; i < requestors.Count; i++)        
ListBoxItem requestor = new ListBoxItem();            
requestor.Text = requestors[i].DisplayName;            
requestor.Value = requestors[i].RequestorInfoID;            
 catch (Exception ex)   
 string errorMsg = string.Format("An error has occured in {0}. \nException:\n{1}", "AdditionalStaffEmailListBox()", ex.Message);        
MessageBox.Show(errorMsg, "Application Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);   

Email button code
private async void SendEmail(int selectedBatch)
#region initialize progress bar
EmailProgressBar.Visible = true;
EmailProgressBar.Minimum = 0;
EmailProgressBar.Maximum = 14;
EmailProgressBar.Value = 1;
EmailProgressBar.Step = 1;
EmailButton.Visible = false;

string message = "The following records have been prepped for processing. Valid cases will be processed.{0}{1}{2}";
string requestorName = string.Empty;
string requestorEmail = string.Empty;
string AdditionalStaffRequestorEmail = string.Empty;
string AdditionalStaffRequestorName = string.Empty;

List<GetCandidateCaseModel> masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay = new List<GetCandidateCaseModel>();
masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay = await Controllers.CandidateCaseController.GetAllCandidates();
masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay = masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay.Where(x => x.BatchNumber == selectedBatch && x.RejectionReason != null).ToList();

if (masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay.Count > 0)
//code for AdditionalStaffEmailListBox
AdditionalStaffRequestorName = masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay[0].RequestorInfo.DisplayName;
AdditionalStaffRequestorEmail = masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay[0].RequestorInfo.Email;
requestorName = masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay[0].RequestorInfo.DisplayName;
requestorEmail = masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay[0].RequestorInfo.Email;

string validCaseNumbers = "<hr /><br /><h3>VALID:</h3><table>";
List<GetCandidateCaseModel> validCandidateCasesListToDisplay = await Controllers.CandidateCaseController.GetAllCandidates();
validCandidateCasesListToDisplay = masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay.Where(x =>
x.RejectionReason.RejectionReasonDescription != Enumerations.Rejections.Discarded.ToString()
&& x.RejectionReason.RejectionReasonDescription != Enumerations.Rejections.No_Records_To_Reset.ToString().Replace("_", " ")
&& x.RejectionReason.RejectionReasonDescription != Enumerations.Rejections.Invalid_Case_Number.ToString().Replace("_", " ")
foreach (GetCandidateCaseModel validCandidateCaseListToDisplay in validCandidateCasesListToDisplay)
//Both penalties
if ((validCandidateCaseListToDisplay.FirstPenalty.Value) && (validCandidateCaseListToDisplay.SecondPenalty.Value))
validCaseNumbers += "<tr><td>" + validCandidateCaseListToDisplay.CaseNbr.ToString() + "</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>" + "Both Penalties" + "</td></tr>";
//If FirstPenalty = true display 1st Penalty
if (validCandidateCaseListToDisplay.FirstPenalty.Value)
validCaseNumbers += "<tr><td>" + validCandidateCaseListToDisplay.CaseNbr.ToString() + "</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>" + "1st Penalty" + "</td></tr>";

//2nd Penalty

else if (validCandidateCaseListToDisplay.SecondPenalty.Value)
validCaseNumbers += "<tr><td>" + validCandidateCaseListToDisplay.CaseNbr.ToString() + "</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>" + "2nd Penalty" + "</td></tr>";
validCaseNumbers += "</table>";
string invalidCaseNumbers = "<hr /><br /><h3>INVALID:</h3><table>";
List<GetCandidateCaseModel> invalidCandidateCasesListToDisplay = await Controllers.CandidateCaseController.GetAllCandidates();
invalidCandidateCasesListToDisplay = masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay.Where(x =>
x.RejectionReason.RejectionReasonDescription != Enumerations.Rejections.Discarded.ToString()
&& x.RejectionReason.RejectionReasonDescription != Enumerations.Rejections.Duplicate_Case_Number.ToString().Replace("_", " ")
&& x.RejectionReason.RejectionReasonDescription != Enumerations.Rejections.Valid.ToString().Replace("_", " ")
foreach (GetCandidateCaseModel invalidCandidateCaseListToDisplay in invalidCandidateCasesListToDisplay)
invalidCaseNumbers += "<tr><td>" + invalidCandidateCaseListToDisplay.CaseNbr.ToString() + "</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td>" + invalidCandidateCaseListToDisplay.RejectionReason.RejectionReasonDescription + "</td></tr>";
invalidCaseNumbers += "</table>";
string discardedCaseNumbers = string.Empty;
List<GetCandidateCaseModel> discardedCandidateCasesListToDisplay = await Controllers.CandidateCaseController.GetAllCandidates();
discardedCandidateCasesListToDisplay = masterCandidateCasesListToDisplay.Where(x => x.RejectionReason.RejectionReasonDescription == Enumerations.Rejections.Discarded.ToString()).ToList();
if (discardedCandidateCasesListToDisplay.Count > 0)
discardedCaseNumbers = "<hr /><br /><h3>DISCARDED:</h3>" + string.Join("<br />", discardedCandidateCasesListToDisplay.Select(p => p.CaseNbr.ToString()));
message = string.Format(message, validCaseNumbers, invalidCaseNumbers, discardedCaseNumbers);
using (MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage())
mailMessage.From = new MailAddress("");
MailAddress to = new MailAddress(requestorEmail);

string ccEmailAddress = Authentication.GetADEmail();
if (ccEmailAddress.Length > 0)
MailAddress ccto = new MailAddress(ccEmailAddress);
mailMessage.Subject = "FTA Case Reset Notice";
mailMessage.Body = message;
mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = true;
SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient();
smtpClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
smtpClient.PickupDirectoryLocation = @"c:\smtp";
smtpClient.EnableSsl = false;
smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false;
smtpClient.Timeout = 60000;
MessageBox.Show("An email has been sent to " + requestorName, "Email", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
MessageBox.Show("No Requestor was found. Unable to send an email.", "Email", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
EmailProgressBar.Visible = false;
EmailProgressBar.Value = 0;
EmailButton.Visible = true;
catch (Exception ex)
string errorMsg = string.Format("An error has occured in {0}. \nException:\n{1}", "SubmitButton_Click()", ex.Message);
MessageBox.Show(errorMsg, "Application Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
It's a simple case of iterating over the selected items in the list box and adding them to a HashSet. Then add the primary recipient to the set as well. After that iterate over the items found in the set to populate the message recipients. The set will take care of "merging" duplicates so that you only list them once.
What you said makes sense and it also sound quite easy for a person with more C# experience.
I'm wondering based on the send email button code I post that is currently sending one email to the requestor selected from the combined, what are your suggested modification to this code?
Wouldn't you be better asking yourself where you should insert the suggested iteration cycle and hashset implementation that was proposed?

Try first, and post back if you experience a problem. It's actually pretty straight forward if you do some research into the suggestion proposed.

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