- Joined
- Oct 4, 2021
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Hello everyone I am trying to perform Data Binding to ListView with class properties.
I do this by keeping in a two-dimensional array of object the names of the properties from which I want to make the binding. Most properties are themselves a bit complex because they are actually properties that are themselves classes within a class.
What I'm trying to do without success is do the same for the last limb of
The two-dimensional array basically contains 3 elements
One is the name of the property from which I make the Data Binding, the second is the title that will appear on the ListView as a column and the third is the size of that column.
The Package Class Tracking property is ObservableCollection and I just want to take its last element, but only if I actually put a particular index into it does it work, but does not work if I try to run a Last function function string or call the ObservableCollection Count field.
How is there a simple way to request the last element?
I do this by keeping in a two-dimensional array of object the names of the properties from which I want to make the binding. Most properties are themselves a bit complex because they are actually properties that are themselves classes within a class.
What I'm trying to do without success is do the same for the last limb of
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
private void CreateGridView()
Grid[] grids = GridSecond.Children.OfType<Grid>().ToArray();
if (grids.Count() != 0)
Grid GView = new Grid() { Margin = new Thickness(0, -60, 0, 0) };
GView.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = GridLength.Auto });
GView.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition() { Height = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) });
ListView lv = new ListView()
BorderThickness = new Thickness(1, 1, 1, 1),
BorderBrush = Brushes.Ivory,
HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
FontSize = 18,
Foreground = (SolidColorBrush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#3071a9"),
Background = (SolidColorBrush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFrom("#FFE3E3E3"),
Visibility = ModeVis[IndexVisbale++ % 2],
MaxHeight = 510,
//ScrollViewer.SetVerticalScrollBarVisibility(lv, ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled);
lv.SetBinding(ListView.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding());
GridView myGridView = new GridView();
object[,] bidingsCol = new object[,]
{ "PackageID","Package ID",120 },
{ "SenderAddress.FullPostal","Sender" ,115},
{ "DestinationAddress.FullPostal","Destination",120 },
{ "Priority","Priority",115 },
{ "Status","Status",180 },
//Not working
{"Tracking.Last().Time","Time",150 },
//this is working
//{"Tracking.[0].Time","Time",150 }
//not working
//{"Tracking.[Tracking.Count-1].Time","Time",150 }
for (int i = 0; i < bidingsCol.GetLength(0); i++)
GridViewColumn gvc1 = new GridViewColumn();
gvc1.DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding(bidingsCol[i, 0].ToString());
gvc1.Header = bidingsCol[i, 1];
gvc1.Width = int.Parse(bidingsCol[i, 2].ToString());
lv.View = myGridView;
Grid.SetRow(GView, 1);
//class on make DataBinding on property
using System;
public abstract class Package: INotifyPropertyChanged
public int PackageID { get; }
static int count = 1000;
public Address SenderAddress { set; get; }
public Address DestinationAddress { set; get; }
public Priority Priority { set; get; }
public ObservableCollection<Tracking> Tracking { get; }
public Ellipse[] EPackage { set; get; }
public List<Line> LPackage { set; get; }
Status _status;
public Status Status
{ set
_status = value;
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("Status"));
get { return _status; } }
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public Package(Priority priority, Address senderAddress, Address destinationAdress)
PackageID = count++;
Priority = priority;
Tracking = new ObservableCollection<Tracking>();
SenderAddress = senderAddress;
DestinationAddress = destinationAdress;
// Status = Status.CREATION;
Console.Write("Creating " + GetType().Name+" ");
public static void ResetCount()
count = 1000;
public override string ToString()
return "[packageID=" + PackageID + ", priority=" + Priority + ", status=" + Status + ", startTime=, senderAddress=" + SenderAddress + ", destinationAddress=" + DestinationAddress + ", ";
public void AddTracking(INode node, Status status = Status.CREATION)
Tracking.Add(new Tracking(MainOffice.Clock, node, status));
One is the name of the property from which I make the Data Binding, the second is the title that will appear on the ListView as a column and the third is the size of that column.
The Package Class Tracking property is ObservableCollection and I just want to take its last element, but only if I actually put a particular index into it does it work, but does not work if I try to run a Last function function string or call the ObservableCollection Count field.
How is there a simple way to request the last element?