It does not tell me on which line the error is.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2022
Programming Experience
Hello good evening, does anyone know why? Thanks.
There was no error. If an application terminates with code 0, by convention that means that it ran successfully.
Assuming that Articulo is a class, I would have expected an exception to be thrown on line 29.
I'm sure we eggheads have boxed this one off already!?

Articulo is a struct or perhaps "yes" was answered to "there were build errors, do you want to run the previous version that worked?", prev version having no nullref prone code
The first number in the build error pane will give you the line number:
Also if you click on the red error icon:

it will open up an error list pane that shows all the errors, and you can click on each of the items in the pane to go to the error line:

The red wiggly lines are "where the error is" according to the compiler, but you should bear in mind that sometimes it won't be able to work out what you're talking about so the real error will be in a slightly different place. Missing a { at the top of the file will cause hundreds of errors through the file, but they are not themselves errors truly, they're just problems caused by the missing {. C# is not artificially intelligent enough to know what code you're trying to write
I'm sure we eggheads have boxed this one off already!?

Articulo is a struct or perhaps "yes" was answered to "there were build errors, do you want to run the previous version that worked?", prev version having no nullref prone code
It is already working, mysteriously I gave enter to the suggestions and it took them but with small letters...curious, thanks
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