Question Journal program


New member
Jan 25, 2023
Programming Experience
Hi team I have been trying to do the following:

I am trying to create this program but I am new to c#, can someone help me with this?
  1. Write a new entry - Show the user a random prompt (from a list that you create), and save their response, the prompt, and the date as an Entry.
  2. Display the journal - Iterate through all entries in the journal and display them to the screen.
  3. Save the journal to a file - Prompt the user for a filename and then save the current journal (the complete list of entries) to that file location.
  4. Load the journal from a file - Prompt the user for a filename and then load the journal (a complete list of entries) from that file. This should replace any entries currently stored the journal.
  5. Provide a menu that allows the user choose these options
  6. Your list of prompts must contain at least five different prompts. Make sure to add your own prompts to the list, but the following are examples to help get you started:
    • Who was the most interesting person I interacted with today?
    • What was the best part of my day?
    • How did I see the hand of the Lord in my life today?
    • What was the strongest emotion I felt today?
    • If I had one thing I could do over today, what would it be?
  7. Your interface should generally follow the pattern shown in the video demo below.
Can anyone help coding this program?
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Looks an awful lot like an assignment and there are a lot of separate steps there that should all be tackled independently. The idea that we would just show you how to create an entire application is a bit silly. The fact that you're treating it as though it's a single problem is part of the issue. You need to break it down and tackle the individual parts individually, in a sensible order. You need to show that you've put some thought into the problem, tell us what you've done and explain exactly where you're stuck. We're here to help but that doesn't mean doing your homework for you.
See @Yas 's thread where he is showing his code and asking specific questions about the issues he is running into. You should do the same thing and write your code, and then show us the code that you are running into issues with and give us specific questions.

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