Market Research Participants - Software Developers - $275 for 75 minutes


New member
Sep 20, 2021
Programming Experience
We are looking for people who want to participate in a Zoom based research study with software developers. Participants should meet the following criteria:
  • US Based
  • Front end, back end or full stack software developer.
  • Works in a consulting capacity, sourcing own work and clients. Can work for a company, but must also work as a consultant / freelancer / contractor / 1099.
  • Must use their own Windows OS computer (laptop or desktop) for development work.
  • Ages 18 to 48 years old.
  • Able / willing to spend 75 minutes in a Zoom interview & brief online survey
  • Compensation $275
If you are interested in this opportunity please send contact me at to discuss.
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I am a .net developer myself. I have been developing software for 25 years now, but have focused on .net and SQL server web projects for the last 15 years.

My wife is managing this research study and is hoping that she can use me to help her find developers.
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