MS Edge browser file browse and upload button


New member
Jan 13, 2025
Programming Experience
Hi everyone, newbie here please be gentle!

We are using .Net Core with Razor pages in an MS Edge browser. I have been tasked with implementing a browse button that will allow users to upload a file (excel or CSV) from their PCs to be processed by the system. Also, we have to make a copy of the file and place on a fileshare for archiving purposes.

I know Edge has additional security properties that may be tricky. So just wondering any advice/suggestions/best approached would be most appreciative. References to something suitable are more than welcomed. Preferably C#...
Thanks million in advance for any any help.
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The standard <input type="file"/> should be enough to get you going. It's not browser specific, and there shouldn't be any security restrictions beyond what is normally imposed on the user using the browser.

(The interesting security implications on Windows are when when you use "runas" and have the browser running under another identity. That tends to get tricky because the Windows Explorer sometimes kills/disables the open file and save file dialog boxes when another identity is running within the same UI session.)

Have you looked at:

As for copying to a file share, you can do that on the server side when the file data is received. As you process the file stream, you can do with it whatever you want, including copying the data elsewhere.
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