I have aa requirement of Collection classes inherited at multiple levels with corresponding Item class at each level as in below example.
In the above, I am unsure about implicit reference conversion for TItem in IntermediateCollection<TItem, TCollection> into IntermediateItem<TCollection>.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
public interface IOwnable<TOwner>
TOwner Owner { get; set; }
public abstract class BaseItem
// Common properties and methods for all items
public abstract class OwnableCollection<TItem, TCollection> : List<TItem>
where TItem : BaseItem, IOwnable<TCollection>
where TCollection : OwnableCollection<TItem, TCollection>
protected OwnableCollection()
public new void Add(TItem item)
item.Owner = (TCollection)this;
public new void AddRange(IEnumerable<TItem> items)
foreach (var item in items)
// -------------------------------------------------
public abstract class IntermediateCollection<TItem, TCollection> : OwnableCollection<TItem, TCollection>
where TItem : IntermediateItem<TCollection>, IOwnable<TCollection>
where TCollection : IntermediateCollection<TItem, TCollection>
// Additional shared implementation for intermediate collections
public abstract class IntermediateItem<TOwner> : BaseItem, IOwnable<TOwner>
where TOwner : IntermediateCollection<IntermediateItem<TOwner>, TOwner>
public TOwner Owner { get; set; }
// Additional shared implementation for intermediate items
// -------------------------------------------------
public class SpecificCollection : IntermediateCollection<SpecificItem, SpecificCollection>
// Specific implementation for this collection
public class SpecificItem : IntermediateItem<SpecificCollection>
// Specific implementation for this item
// -------------------------------------------------
public abstract class MoreSpecificCollection<TItem, TCollection> : IntermediateCollection<TItem, TCollection>
where TItem : MoreSpecificItem<TCollection>, IOwnable<TCollection>
where TCollection : MoreSpecificCollection<TItem, TCollection>
// Additional shared implementation for more specific collections
public abstract class MoreSpecificItem<TOwner> : IntermediateItem<TOwner>
where TOwner : IntermediateCollection<MoreSpecificItem<TOwner>, TOwner>
// Additional shared implementation for more specific items
// -------------------------------------------------
public class VerySpecificCollection : MoreSpecificCollection<VerySpecificItem, VerySpecificCollection>
// Very specific implementation for this collection
public class VerySpecificItem : MoreSpecificItem<VerySpecificCollection>
// Very specific implementation for this item
// -------------------------------------------------
In the above, I am unsure about implicit reference conversion for TItem in IntermediateCollection<TItem, TCollection> into IntermediateItem<TCollection>.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.