hi guys, im new to this forum and beginner to c# too
i had a code to generate key in vb.net, bt for sm reasons i switched to c# and need to convert vb.net coding to c#
I converted it online, bt it doesnt work for me : Please have a look on coding
I think the problem is of ASC and HEX, which c# does not recognize. Hope i will get its solution here.
Regards and Thanks in advance
i had a code to generate key in vb.net, bt for sm reasons i switched to c# and need to convert vb.net coding to c#
I converted it online, bt it doesnt work for me : Please have a look on coding
Public Function GenCode(ByVal strUN As String) As String
Dim P1 As Long, P2 As Long, P3 As Long
Dim S1 As String, S2 As String, S3 As String
Dim j As Integer
For j = 1 To Len(strUN)
P1 = P1 + Asc(Mid(strUN, j, 1)) * 15
strUN = LCase(strUN)
For j = 1 To Len(strUN)
P2 = P2 + Asc(Mid(strUN, j, 1)) * 20
strUN = UCase(strUN)
For j = 1 To Len(strUN)
P3 = P3 + Asc(Mid(strUN, j, 1)) * 25
S1 = CStr(Hex(P1))
S2 = CStr(Hex(P2))
S3 = CStr(Hex(P3))
If Len(S1) > 4 Then S1 = Left(S1, 4)
If Len(S2) > 4 Then S2 = Left(S2, 4)
If Len(S3) > 4 Then S3 = Left(S3, 4)
GenCode = S1 & "-" & S2 & "-" & S3
End Function
I think the problem is of ASC and HEX, which c# does not recognize. Hope i will get its solution here.
Regards and Thanks in advance