Hi guys (apologies if I posted in the wrong topic),
I hope you can help me. I am quite new to C# development, and would really appreciate your expertise.
I want a simple procedure/function I can call to validate the data in a table:
So this is what needs to happen:
Here are some examples of the rules to apply based upon the value of the specific field in the table:
I hope you can help me. I am quite new to C# development, and would really appreciate your expertise.
I want a simple procedure/function I can call to validate the data in a table:
So this is what needs to happen:
- Procedure that loops through a Table
- Update certain fields based on some rules
Here are some examples of the rules to apply based upon the value of the specific field in the table:
- 1.if [Data].[Finance_Project_Number] = Null/Blank
?Set [Processing_Result] = 2
?set [Processing_Result_Text] = ?No Project Number?
2.if [Data].[Finance_Project_Region] = Null/Blank
?Set [Processing_Result] = 2
?set [Processing_Result_Text] = ?No Region?
Also, on point no 2, how can I check for valid entries? Something like ?one of?: Gauteng, Free State, Limpopo etc. If it is ?one of? then it passes, otherwise;
?Set [Processing_Result] = 2
?set [Processing_Result_Text] = ?Incorrect Region Entered?
3.Cross reference the customer number with another table.column: [Data].[Customer_Number] exists in [CustomerMaster].[Customer_Code]
if not:
?Set [Processing_Result] = 2
?set [Processing_Result_Text] = ?Customer Number does not Exist?
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