Question prompts a user for test scores?


New member
Sep 7, 2016
Programming Experience
[FONT=&quot]I'm extremely lost on how to do this... [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]If anyone could help, it would be greatly appreciated. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I need to write an application in c# that continuously prompts a user for test scores until the user enters a sentinel value. A valid score ranges from 0 through 100. When the user enters a valid score, add it to a total; when the user enters an invalid score, display an error message and before the program ends, display the number of scores entered and their average. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]The code needs to contain a while loop. [/FONT]
Like any problem, break it down into parts. In order to be able to continuously prompt the user, you obviously have to be able to prompt once. Where's your code to do that? Do EVERYTHING that you can first and then post back and ask us about the parts that are actually causing an issue. If you have no idea at all then you really need to go back and review your class notes and or text book because noone's going to ask you to do this without having taught you most - if not all - of what you need to know beforehand.
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