1. From the interval [–X, Z] (variables X and Z are entered from the keyboard), find the number of even
number of odd numbers. Display the result on the screen. Provide tooltips for
user Example: "Enter the values of X and Z!"
2. Calculate the value of expressions. The initial values of the variables t and k for each expression
are: t = 2 and k = 1. In the answer, indicate: the value and type of the result, the final value of the given
a) t += ++k*2
b) t--%2 == ++k%2
c) (--t < ++k) ? -k : k
3. The interval [a, b] takes one of three values: [-30, 75], [50, 450], [170, 250].
Find the smallest even number and the largest even number.
number of odd numbers. Display the result on the screen. Provide tooltips for
user Example: "Enter the values of X and Z!"
2. Calculate the value of expressions. The initial values of the variables t and k for each expression
are: t = 2 and k = 1. In the answer, indicate: the value and type of the result, the final value of the given
a) t += ++k*2
b) t--%2 == ++k%2
c) (--t < ++k) ? -k : k
3. The interval [a, b] takes one of three values: [-30, 75], [50, 450], [170, 250].
Find the smallest even number and the largest even number.