Question Turning a List of Objects into a List of other Objects that inherit from a Class


New member
Apr 21, 2021
Programming Experience
Hi! Been trying to learn C# for a month now, new to programming in general.
Right now, on this project, I have a List<Item> called Inventory. I want to filter every item in this list that inherits from the class Weapon into a new list called weaponlist.
The first thing I tried was
var weaponslist = Inventory.Where( x => x is Weapon).ToList();
That does seem to work, however, I want to take a Weapon from this List that now only contains Weapons and assign it to the RightHand property of my Player class, which has to be a Weapon, but of course, my weaponlist is a List<Item> and not a List<Weapon>.

So, how do I turn my List<Iitem> into a List<Weapon> once it only contains Weapons?
Instead of Where you can use the OfType filter extension: Inventory.OfType<Weapon>()
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