I have a listbox to hold contact info...when I delete a contact I would like to update the listbox....but everything I have tried doesnt seem to work....i have a "deletecontact" method and a "loadcontactlist" method...
the delete method removes the contact from the xml file and the loadcontacts method reads a xml file and loads the data into the listbox....below is the delete method, I removing the listbox items work because if I comment out the loadcontacts method..all the contents of the listbox are removed...but they dont get removed when I uncomment the loadcontacts method...not sure why.
btw - when I use lstContacts.Items.Clear() I get an error saying cant use when ItemSource is in use!
any help would be appreciated
the delete method removes the contact from the xml file and the loadcontacts method reads a xml file and loads the data into the listbox....below is the delete method, I removing the listbox items work because if I comment out the loadcontacts method..all the contents of the listbox are removed...but they dont get removed when I uncomment the loadcontacts method...not sure why.
btw - when I use lstContacts.Items.Clear() I get an error saying cant use when ItemSource is in use!
private void DeleteContact_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (lstContacts.SelectedIndex == -1) { return; } else { contact.DeleteNode(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Contacts.xml", lstContacts.SelectedIndex + 1, lstContacts); Thread.Sleep(500); lstContacts.ItemsSource = null; for (int i = 0; i < lstContacts.Items.Count; i++) { int j = lstContacts.SelectedIndex; lstContacts.Items.RemoveAt(j); j++; } if (lstContacts.Items.Count == 0) { Thread.Sleep(500); contact.LoadContactList(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "Contacts.xml", lstContacts); } } } public void LoadContactList(string path, System.Windows.Controls.ListBox lst) { XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument(); xDoc.Load(path); XmlNodeList contactNode = xDoc.SelectNodes("/Contacts/Contact"); foreach (XmlNode node in contactNode) { if (node["ContactName"] != null) { string id = node["ID"].InnerText; string name = node["ContactName"].InnerText; string phone = node["Phone"].InnerText; string address = node["Address"].InnerText; contactList.Add(new Contact() { ID = id, ContactName = name, ContactPhone = phone, Address = address }); nameList.Add(ContactName); contactIndex.Add(Convert.ToInt32(id)); } else lst.Items.Add("No Contacts"); } lst.ItemsSource = contactList; }
any help would be appreciated