Upload in DB


Active member
Nov 4, 2021
Programming Experience
Hello community. I'm using Telerik ASP.NET Ajax's RadAsyncUpload in order to upload in DataBase. At the moment, i got some problems; it only allows one upload operations for postback, blocking after the first one. It´s saving FileContent as null, and FileExtension (FileTipo in my code) as blank.

Could you help me fix it?

//partial class declarations


        string Ficheiro = string.Empty;
        string FileTipo = string.Empty;

       byte[] fileBytes = null;


//DataBase save method
public void SaveFile(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListagemTimesheet model = new ListagemTimesheet();
            model.IDRecursoHumano = Convert.ToInt32(rdpInvestigadorE.Text);
            model.IDEstadoTimesheet = Convert.ToInt32(rcbEstado.SelectedValue);
            model.Observações = Obervaçoestxt.Text;
            model.AssinaturaTimesheet = txtAssinaturaTimesheet.Text;
            model.DataEnvio = DataEnvio.SelectedDate.Value;

            if (Objecto.ID > 0)
                model.ID = Convert.ToInt32(FileID.Text);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Ficheiro) && FileTipo != null)

                    model.Ficheiro = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Ficheiro); //FileName
                    model.FileTipo = Path.GetExtension(FileTipo); //FileExtension
                    model.FileContent = fileBytes; //Content

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileID.Text) && Convert.ToInt32(FileID.Text) > 0)
                    model.ID = Convert.ToInt32(FileID.Text);


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            RadAsyncUpload1.TargetFolder = Server.MapPath("~/TargetFiles");

public void RadAsyncUpload1_FileUploaded(object sender, FileUploadedEventArgs e)
            RadAsyncUpload1.Visible = false;
            Stream fileStream = e.File.InputStream;
            Ficheiro = e.File.FileName; // sintaxe metodo
            FileTipo = e.File.ContentType;
            e.IsValid = true;
            byte[] dados = new byte[fileStream.Length - 1 + 1];
            fileStream.Read(dados, 0, System.Convert.ToInt32(fileStream.Length));
<telerik:RadAsyncUpload ID="RadAsyncUpload1" runat="server" AllowedFileExtensions="xlsx,xlsm,xls,txt,pdf" MultipleFileSelection="Disabled"  OverwriteExistingFiles="true" OnFileUploaded="RadAsyncUpload1_FileUploaded" UploadedFilesRendering="BelowFileInput" Culture="pt-PT" TemporaryFileExpiration="00:30:00" ToolTip="Anexar ficheiro"></telerik:RadAsyncUpload><span class="allowed-attachments">Formatos permitidos: <span class="allowed-attachments-list">pdf,xlsx,xlsm,xls,txt</span></span>&nbsp;</td>
Are you saying that clicking on the Save button starts the upload? If so the the File upload object should be available on that postback.

If not, the when your get the upload save it to your upload location, and retain the filename of the saved file either the cache or some hidden label on the form. When the postback for the save eventually happens, get the the filename from the cache or hidden label so that you can get the file contents.
The filebytes on line 8 of post number 15 is a local variable. It is different from the class variable filebytes on line 8 of post #1.
As for your content, you are reading your data into dados, but not pointing filebytes to dados.
If you look at the Telerik documentation, e.File.ContentType in the MIME type, not the file name extension.

Thank you, i haven't notice that. You know if it is possible to retrieve just the short extension? like PDF ou xlsx?
You're right but i cannot bind it in the Save method
Use filebytes instead of the local dados in RadAsyncUpload1_FileUploaded().
Well, duh... Stupid me. I hate this memory loss. If your Save() is called on a different post back from the user, then you are dealing with a brand new page instance. Read up on the ASP.NET page life cycle and strategies for caching information.
Well, duh... Stupid me. I hate this memory loss. If your Save() is called on a different post back from the user, then you are dealing with a brand new page instance. Read up on the ASP.NET page life cycle and strategies for caching information.
My save method is triggered in the save button of the upload, so i believe that's not the issue. I've tried your suggestion with any results. Another "cheating approach" i've made was trying to convert the file to byte[] directly in the save method, the following way.
model.FileContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Server.MapPath("~/TargetFiles"));
And it does save the file at the server, in the format of "file", because it is obviously missing the uploaded file reference, nevertheless, i cannot find a way to add the reference. Is it possible to add it through this approach?
Are you saying that clicking on the Save button starts the upload? If so the the File upload object should be available on that postback.

If not, the when your get the upload save it to your upload location, and retain the filename of the saved file either the cache or some hidden label on the form. When the postback for the save eventually happens, get the the filename from the cache or hidden label so that you can get the file contents.
Telerik fileUpload does preciselly that from it´s construction. By theory i've done everything ok, it should be some mistake in the code
Telerik fileUpload does preciselly that from it´s construction.
Does which one? The single postback or the two postbacks?
Does which one? The single postback or the two postbacks?
the two postbacks, it performs an automatical one, when file is selected, saving the file on a designated, and in the second one we trigger the button into server. I really don't know, what could be missing or wrong on my code.
If there are two postbacks then the e.File.FileStream is likely invalid on the second post back by the time your save button is pressed.

All the code below is just give you the ASCII byte equivalent of the physical path to your "TargetFiles" folder.
model.FileContent = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Server.MapPath("~/TargetFiles"));

You actually need to crack open the file of interest, read the contents into your a byte array (e.g. your filebytes) and pass that into your model's FileContent property.

As I said, to understand most of this, take time to read about and understand the ASP.NET page life cycle. It well help you understand what is happening when, and so you can debug better rather than just guessing.

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